What do you think Jim has lied about in regards to his personal/sexual life?

10  2017-10-29 by TinKnockinMoroccan

I think he was never an alcoholic. He had a few binge drinking episodes and his weird AA dad sent him to rehab.

He also lies about not being able to take anything in the ass. You don't take PrEP and like big dick trans porn unless you're getting your shit pipe roto-rootered on a regular basis.


Hes obviously lying about drugs. I can't remember which episode it was, but there was a show where Jim mentioned him and his friend going to the hood to buy crack. Yes, sensitive little wormy weak James Norton went to the hood for hard narcotics. No one called him out on it of course.

In regards to the tranny fucking, he obviously takes it up the ass quite a bit, but I don't think he's prowling the streets at night trying to fucking random tranny hookers, more than likely he uses some degenerate escort service and pays these gentleman to rip his anus up.

LOL I remember that one. Aspiring young wigger Jim and his pal ventured deep into the ghettos of New Brunswick to "cop" and were forced to deal with the unappreciative locals. Young Jim was spiraling into madness at that point, as he was downing close to six beers a week and carrying a $20 a week drug habit on his back too. Luckily for him (and us, of course) he sought treatment for the problem before he ended up becoming some sort of hopeless pathetic weirdo or something.

He may be lying about taking prep. He just wants the interest to be there.

i think all the lil boy sucking is just a sick twisted fantasy

I ask all the lil boys I suck off and none of them know who Jim Norton is.


That he has no sexual interest in Mary Jean, and they're just friends.

Or any of his openers

He honestly thinks he was an alcoholic though. The funny thing is he still calls himself an alcoholic to this day.

He loves child porn, has fucked women who were passed out drunk and regularly sexually harasses his openers.

Spot on. He is an uncle paul

So, you don't think Jim is sincere when he repeatedly says he thanks god he's not attracted to children.

I always assumed his tranny life style was fake. Boy was I wrong.

You weren't that wrong. The assumption was that he just had sex with trans women and didn't particularly care about whether a woman had a penis or not. Turns out he actually likes taking coke can sized cocks in the ass.

I miss Fat jimmy. Fat jimmy took big burgers not big cock.


Someone on this sub astutely pointed out that jim got "sober" because Ozzy did

He doesn't watch other comics. His whole persona is Otto's George.

The real reason he doesn't drink is that (if his inhibitions were lowered by being intoxicated) he would turn into a show tune singing, man ass grabbing, lisping preening ultra gay man. That is who he is deep down.

Oh I got one.

He refused to do gigs in Europe, his stated reason being that he thought Europeans were too disrespectful towards Americans.

The real reason is that he's an agoraphobe who's afraid of traveling and afraid of strangers. Even when he travels within the US he can't do it without a bodyguard to protect him from having to talk to strangers. And when he gets to his destination, he hides in his hotel room, only venturing outside to travel to the gig and back.

Traveling to Kansas City is scary for Norton. Traveling to Sweden must be terrifying. He doesn't want to admit he's a shy pussy, so he cloaks it in a pseudo-political rant about anti-Americanism.

I think he's asexual. Listen to his WTF interview. You can tell it's not real. He's just saying stuff he thinks is outrageous.