Reminder: Ron's face

63  2017-10-29 by RBuddCumia


I almost forgot about the stangels. Can we have a week to go after Justin again?

I'm genuinely surprised they haven't been swept up in this Harvey Weinstein thing. That Stangel looks more creepy than that Nickelodeon foot-fetishist.

They're married TV business Jews not single movie business Jews. I'm assuming you mean the Stangels.

Harvey was married the whole time, his wife only left him the second it was all over the news. His wife was insanely hot, she must have known it was a fake marriage from the start.

There's enough man titty in that room to make a full human.

I bet everyone laughed real hard when your friend said that about you


I bet everyone laughed real hard when your friend said that about you

I'm just quoting this in the event you feel the epic shame of what a monumental misfire of a joke this was.

If it's not deleted, the downvotes are just a testament to your ability to take a beating

Delete it and you're on Opie's level of historical revisionism

Thanks boo


Nice dog turd there

I don't remember Chaz Bono being on the show.

That's the look of an Italian grandmother with dementia.

Flanked by juden

I thought someone was trying to make a Handsome Pepper Hicks photoshop on the far right.

Peppy Hams has really gone downhill lately. Dude might is gonna die of it relatively soon

I can't even tell what is real or photoshopped anymore

They look like cartoon characters.

Stangel sucking in his gut, caused his neck to puff out like a bullfrog. And he still manages to have smaller tits than the Opester.

I miss the Stangels. Sure they're daddy-boy Jews, but they're normal, out of shape fellas.

Mistah B

He looks like my ex father in law , 55 years old , 3 cackling whore daughters , and a whale wife that hasn’t taken out her ponytail since 1974 ...just broken waiting for the grim reaper to save him from this life .

Peppy Hams has really gone downhill lately. Dude might is gonna die of it relatively soon