How can you not love this guy? I'm a Limey but this smarmy douche should be running every civilised nation.

122  2017-10-28 by McGowan9


He's more fun than dipping digestive biscuits in tea šŸ˜€

Chocolate what in the what now?

Its what faggots call cookies, "biscuits."

Not a big biscuits in tea fan. A cup of char is good enough on its own, maybe with a sarnie. Dark chocolate digestive dipped in a glass of cold milk - spice.

chocolate digestive dipped in a glass of milk

You want me to read you a bedside story too faggot?

No, that's alright. Thought we were bonding here over snack choices. You fuck. Boo hoo.

I'm just tryin to fit in.. I'm sorry ā˜¹ļø

That's ok. Just never let it happen again. Or it's all over for you, taff.

Nigga is u Charles Dickens

Dickens is overrated. I right betta than him.

I love a good Dicken's Cider though.

Dickens COFFEE you ignorant rapist!

Wait! Wait! Uhhhh why not Charles Cockens?


What's with digestive. Isn't that a given?


Do they have to include the word 'digestive' in the title?

I prefer Jaffa Cakes.

You top hat wearing cane swiveling colonist limey cunt.

But I do like tea and will try it with chocolate digestive

I have worn a top hat, at a wedding.. how jealous are you?

A little tbh

By far my favorite president.

Tied with Duterte.

You can't compare the 2 though. The Philippines are no threat to any country. It's like if a brutal warlord took control of Canada. No one would give a fudge.


I like Dueterter but his last name is impossible to spell and pronounce.

Du Ter Tay like "Dirtay" hence the nickname Dutarte Harry.

He claimed he went full helicopter man. He rules.

Fucking amazing. "This isn't presidential, but..." is a STFU to all the assholes getting ready to scream "unprofessional!"

I love him like I love no other.

That half-second pause before he drops the grenade is some top tier shit

And he was proven right once again. Megan Kelly gets her own show not about politics and she has horrible ratingz

I feel the same sort of devotion toward Trump that people must have felt for Hitler (pbuh) in 1933.

May he reign for ten thousand years.

Trump is hilarious. But, he shouldnā€™t be in charge of shit. He should be like the queen of England. A just for show figure.

Youā€™re the queen of England

Buried that faggot.

Heā€™s crying about this sub in the askreddit strange lest subreddit thread. Lol. Queer.

At least I donā€™t suck Donald trumps dick like heā€™s the messiah.

Cry more pussy. Itā€™s my favorite.

I think you may be looking for r/funny, normie.

ā€œNormieā€ YUCK!

I think you're looking for /r/4chan / the donald faggot

When did faggots like you find this place, "pleb?"

Strong banter dude.

Thanks for responding to my comment twice, just fucking kill yourself already.

I really don't take this site seriously enough to notice who I am responding to. Apparently you do.

Yeah cause i get inbox messages that show you responded to the same comment 2 times because you came back and had some more shit you had to say. Good job trying to make me sound like thrbweird one, faggot.

Okay, faggot, what's next?

When I started coming on reddit to shitpost and found out my favorite radio show has a subreddit.

Everybody hates you.

Do they?


We let a colored be in charge

Same. He's like my god.

How apt your idol is a one balled loser who ended up cowardly offing himself and his whore. Be honest with yourself, all you weak faggots yern for is a seemingly strong male figure to cower under for protection and call daddy, pathetic.

Why don't you take a long walk off a short pier buster!

Implying Hitler killed himself and didn't ride out his years in southern Brazil

Or was it a nazi base on the moon?

What's it like not being able to put your partisan politics aside and get satire?

Your 'satire' is missing a main ingredient known as humor, unless you mean the premise of an orangutan for a president then I agree, that is quite humorous.

This response is a great example of not being able to grasp satire, but it's certainly not void of irony.

You try to sound smart and you fail miserably, is that you Joe Cumia?

That was Obama.

Hitler was a vegetarian faggot who took life too seriously.

There's nothing more satisfying than a good gloat while someone's down.

Especially when that someone is a fat loose skinned hot dog munching asshole like Micheal Moore.

He has so much faith in his political leanings that he's lied, constantly, in every film he made (except Canadian Bacon) to back them up.

Everyone has at one point in time. Moore has made a career of it.

It's why he puts months and months worth of research into his appearances in media. Moore refuses to publicly debate and has turned down quite a large amount of money from Vanity Fair to debate Hitchens on the validity of Fareheint 9/11.

My favorite is in Bowling For Columbine when Moore blames the military industrial complex for causing the massacre.

He's now accepted that debate. Just name a time and place Hitch.

Peter would destroy him. Period.

His grave 2 pm nigga

Speaking of, is our friend Gregg still slowly fading further and further into obscurity?

Unfortunately he isn't really kicking Michael Moore while he's down. His show was a limited run set to last 12 weeks and it did. It wasn't cut short. In other words.. Trump's tweet is Fake News. Sad.

The show would have run 12 months whether it flopped (which it did) or if it was a great success which it wasn't. But if it was a success like all other piloted shows on Broadway it would have kept running for another 12 months. Technically Trump wasn't wrong.

He was wrong. It was a scheduled end of the show run. It wasn't cancelled in the middle of it's run. The show had middling success. It wasn't at the top of the money makers for broadway shows but it also wasn't at the bottom. It ran it's full schedule and wrapped up as planned. Guys like Michael Moore who don't do Broadway for a living don't try to make shows that are lasting 10 years. It was a topical show that only makes sense for a short amount of time.

That's not how it works though if the show had made a ton of money keeps selling seats it would still be on. Hell The Book of Mormon was only scheduled to run for 12 months it's first time. If it had enough success topical shows can definitely alter scrip to stay relevant. There was a show about Bush two around 2003 that did this every year to stay topical the show ran for four years I think. Even none-topical shows alter their script to stay relevant if they run long enough. The point is it didn't have enough success to do any of these things.

So his show ended as scheduled and that's him being shut down? You are presuming that Michael Moore would want to continue doing his Broadway show about the 2016 election for another year. He made a deal to do the show for a set amount of time and that's what he did. His show wasn't cancelled after a month like what happens with a lot of shows that actually do Bomb. Trump is wrong about what happened. The show was critical of him so he tried to make it sound like Moore's show was cancelled. It wasn't. It did it's full run and then ended like it was supposed to.

The Book of Mormon has a complete cast. It's a show that works in any context. Matt and Trey aren't needed for the show to continue. You write a script and hire actors and then let them go and perform the show as long as it will last. Michael Moore did a one man show about a particular election. It ran it's course. He would have to write a completely new show to continue and that's assuming he would want to even do that. He might have other shit he wants to do (like making movies) so he can't just drift away and let his show go on without him. Him being on stage is the show.

yeah no one saying it got cancelled during its run just not renewed which is just as good as being cancelled. it didn't have the potential to continue like any other successful show regardless of the initial contract would continue if it was a success. Trump is also not wrong about its success during its run time calling it "middling success" it's quite a stretch. You're making an assumption that More wouldn't rewrite the show or continue to make it if someone would hand him fist fulls of cash to do it.

Now please just drop this I don't want people to know I go to Broadway shows and that I'm about 40% faggot.

Well Trump is basically saying the show got cancelled... he is saying it was forced to end... it wasn't. It ended as scheduled. And, like I said, Moore would have to write a completely new show. It would make no sense for him to continue doing a show about the 2016 presidential election during a completely new election cycle with midterms happening. It wouldn't just be changing a few things. It would be an entirely new show and would likely take a while to write considering it would have to come, most likely, after the elections play out. This was never the kind of show that could/would be picked up to continue. It was always the kind of show that ends as scheduled.

Man you're really buying in with the ballwashing huh?

He's the envy of every faggot with a little common sense. Him and Putin.
In comparison, my country is run by a full blown homo who had to marry a teacher 30 years his senior (and now looks like a corpse).
Frankly, we're still better off than Germany or Canada.

Are you French? If so, go fuck yourself frog

OP thought he could be coy. Fucking nerve.

I've compiled an exhaustive list of world leaders who aren't retarded, female (I'm repeatin myself, cuz), corrupt, or gay. Behold:

Rodrigo Duterte is based af.

You're a 50 year old fat guy using "based" kys.

Not 50 and not fat.

40? And yeah you are fat, I remember someone called you out about your diabetes or some shit.

More like 30 and I posted in the gout reddit once and somebody saw it. Was living off steak and beer at the time. Hasn't affected me in years.

You are fat with gout in your 30s? Why the fuck should anyone take you seriously?

He would execute every single poster on this sub.

I quite like drugs and drug dealers. I just like how he doesnt give a fuck, which is so rare these days where everyone is bending over backwards to be a bigger pussy. Backbone is rare. It's a shame it's not being used for something good.

Obviously i don't know jack shit about what's actually going on in the Philipines but i heard from a guy that the chinks have the dealing locked down there and Duterte is just trying to fuck them so he can quietly set up his own shop.

Macron maricon!

Mais, eh, pourquois, euuuuuh...

Iā€™m pretty sure he wants to blow Trump.

You Frenchies are worse than any nigger or kike in my book.

You should try having a full state/province of them like we do in Canada. It's the worst. When I lived in Montreal I met plenty of real French and even they don't really like the Canadian french, so I'm not sure how much I hate them.

But they have a socialist nanny state, but also dislike dangerous illegal immigrants and banned burkas, so they probably have a cool minority subset.

Yeah 90% of the German football team isn't black though like the ''French'' team.

France is more cucked than even Sweden.

While great it really is disgusting that you limeys make up the majority here.

Deal with it cuntybaws.

You can always go to the Jonathan Ross subreddit, guy

The fucking legend

That Ed Krassensteinburgson is a fag.

Twitter must be promoting that dumb kike. His posts are everywhere.

lmfao the "sloppy michael moore" trump is a total bro

McGowan, you're drunk. Go to bed.


He's the president, he's a fat white billionaire who will live well into his 80's, possibly 90's, and Michael Moore is a fatter, more embarrassing white guy who's greatest achievement is showcasing the original rampage killers.

When Trump sees Michael Moore on TV, he's more pissed about the baseball cap and disrespectful protruding nipples than what comes out of Moore's mouth.

Sloppy Michael Moore

Michael Moore wears a baseball cap. He understands the white working class.

Trump declined to pick John Bolton as his SecState because he didn't like his moustache. He has no problem calling out fags who don't know how to present themselves in public.

Trump has made me laugh more than any stand up recently

But how can you laugh about someones jokes who isn't a Democrat?


It's tough, man..

Ya just remember back to a few years ago when he was a Democrat I guess.

uh oh i smell a guy who wants to get political

He flirted with running for President as a Democrat in 2004 and wanted Jesse Ventura to be his running mate.

The press asked him every election since the 80s if he was going to run and he always responded vaguely, he loved the attention. Considering he couldn't have run Republican, since Bush was incumbent, then Democrat was the only option he could toy with the press.

I personally dont give a shit about "flip-flop" stuff, since both parties are very similar as far as I'm concerned. Especially in 2004 when the republicans were spending money faster than any democrat.

I don't care about it either...

huuuh I don't think he's talking about laughing at Trump's jokes lool It's funny because Trump's a retard and does retarded shit

The faggots that actually voted for Hillary will still wonder why this man won the election.

Makes me hope they die and their families fall into ruin.

He won the election because people like shitposting? OK.

Apparently you're one of the ones that voted for Hillary.

I voted for Gary

Trump won because he is nothing like any typical candidate. Yes, part of that is posting shit on twitter. Michael Moore is a pathetic leftist blob, and everyone thinks it. Trump posts it and means it. Any other candidate would have some milquetoast take on him.

Every other GOP candidate is the same old phony horseshit we have seen from both sides for decades. Hillary is arguably the most disgusting human being alive today. She is a complete lying fraud, politically whoring herself for decades.

Of course there is some bullshit and shit in Trumps whole campaign. But every time one of these leftist pieces of shit whines about him not being Presidential, or racist, or whatever the makes me smile because his winning was simply people rejecting the total horseshit that is every single politician. We have all voted for the same god damned shit heads for decades, and nothing good has come of it.

Fuck yeah Donny!

The fact that he acknowledged it was "not at all presidential" makes it so much funnier. I think if Trump showed just a small amount of self-awareness or self deprecation he'd be able to get away with more and people wouldn't give him as much shit

He LOVES the shit he gets from these retards. He's the fucking President of the United States for the next 7 years, and there's not a goddamn thing they can do about it. Autistic screeching is music to his ears.

I fucking love it. Everyday is a mini-Christmas.

God bless.

It's the best fucking timeline possible.



The fact that there's people publicly endorsing that retard makes so happy to see the US failing as a country year after year.

You fag

You queer

i hope every woman in your life incl mom/sister/aunt/cousin/gf/wife gets raped by a pack of niggers

3% GDP.....totally failing.

yet you still are and always have been a failure as a nation

Ive never known what its like to have true love and pride(or give any type of a shit whatsoever) about a president until him.

This is the gayest thing I've ever read here

Probably, but Growing up seeing "meeting the president" as some big star struck honor and thinking they were just some faggot I finally see what it's like to have that type of respect for them. Sorry for going for the real moment, sniff



Jesus christ, what except trolling people do you actually like about the guy?

This sub is full of insecure man children, they see trump as "Alpha" because theyre able to ignore what a thin skinned pussy he really is.

I'm slightly optimistic Mueller eventually fucks him in his orange ass.

The amount of absolute torturous butt hurt in your soul that comes out in this post and likely every time someone supports the president or he says something, will make me get up and vote for him next election.

We need to stop assuming the other side is a caricature of what we hate and I'm as guilty of it as most are.

Not all Trump supporters are fascist raciest white nationalists, and not all liberals are gun grabbing bed wetting bleeding hearts.

There's hope for America.

Not all people think the president would otherwise be doing useful things at all moments either. Plenty of people are cynical about politics and are enjoying him as the face of the white house.

Much like the queen his role really is a much symbolic and about rallying the troops in congress/senate. I'd rather not have a single person ruling a country all via executive order anyway. The less real work = the less authoritative policy making.

Congress is all republican anyway, that's where the real work happens.

He's an actual person with a sense of humor and stuff to say instead of just being a fake PR robot, he's not afraid to fight back, hurt feelings, and play the system in his own genius way and I love it. You're free to your opinion as well.

He has a backbone. No one has the balls to stand for anything anymore. This Moore thing might be small and meaningless but it's says a lot about the man. Especially how obviously taboo it is.

I can see that, I don't mind that stuff, he tells it how he sees it. The position of president was a joke before he got it, but he should really focus on destroying the system and draining the swamp. But he didn't.

That's a state of the union address if I've ever seen one.

wait... did Donald Trump start the "Sad!" thing Ive been seeing online for the past few months?


And they have to fact check him on it. The New York Times reported that Moore's show actually went its full 12 weeks and closed as planned.

Think about it. Some reporter who spent his entire life trying to get to the top newspaper in the U.S. had to stop whatever they were doing on a Saturday and report and fact check Trump's insult about Michael Moore.

I know, how silly. Nothing should be fact checked, everyone should just spew whatever untrue bullshit they think.

Trump does this already we just need to get everyone else on board.

Double down on the lying my fellow Americans. The only things which are true are the things which aren't offensive to you.

But that's the thing trumps not actually wrong. If the show was good enough and made enough money they would have resigned it. The show would have run 12 months whether it flopped (which it did) or if it was a great success which it wasn't. But if it was a success like all other piloted shows on Broadway it would have kept running for another 12 months. It's not about fake news or fact check thing it's literally semantics.

The point is that it's stupid bullshit that he shouldn't be commenting on. What this dumbass doesn't understand is that his position is supposed to be one of importance and gravity, but he's made it a laughingstock and by extension the United States.

I know a lot of you folks on here love Trump so, whatever - this is a battle I won't lose. However, Idiocracy wasn't a how-to manual.

I would agree with you however if you haven't noticed the past 20 years importance and gravity in a president hasn't been working. The American people don't listen to importance and gravity any longer, all Trump is doing is speaking their language. If Michael More can sway more votes than the actual actions of corrupt politicians you know importance and gravity are dead. it's sad really. Trump's actually speaking their language and it's driving them crazy. In my opinion it's exactly what we need right now.

The executive branch isn't all that powerful anyway. Congress is useless but everyone obsessed about every time Trump takes 2min to tweet out something funny. He's not working 24/7, nor should he.

He has nothing on Trump in terms of bullshit.

I think you meant the opposite of what you said. This implies that his bullshit is nowhere near as bad as Trump's. That's a true statement, but I don't believe you meant to say that.

Words are tough =/

I believe it was quite obvious what I meant given the statement before it. Trump may be full of shit half the time, but he's not nearly as full of shit as Moore. And Moore is making documentaries, not random dumb tweets while taking a shit.

Okay, and that's fine, but the way you typed it meant the exact opposite.

I can't articulate just how much I love Donald Trump. He is a literal god.

Well not literally, but definitely figuratively

He's immortal.

That show was actually very pro Trump. Moore predicted Trump win and the reason for it pretty well.

Trump is great if only because he offends everyone that I can't stand.

I've learned so much about shitposting from this man, and believe me, I already knew a lot

Buncha fukkin not-C's. Imma screem at tha sky

Scott Adams' response to this tweet was awesome. Made me laugh just as much as the tweet did. This truly is the best timeline.

Could you imagine how boring life would be if Hillary had won her "vote for my pussy" campaign? I mean, we'd be at war with Russia, but you could guarentee Weinstein wouldn't have been outed.

It feels good to know I'm vastly more intelligent than the President of the US. If he can be elected, any idiot (with money) can.

The American Dream folks.

Was that supposed to be funny or are you just flappin yer sock cuckah

No you aren't.

His iq is one of the highest and you know it!

I used to hate Trump then I realised am not an American, I detest most things American, their greed, arrogance and ignorance and their demise will probably be good for the world in the long run, so now I kinda enjoy watching him dismantle it piece by piece, Kinda feel sorry for the few decent ones though, so hear hear, hail Trump, the great destroyer.

Top replies, yuck.

Dickens is overrated. I right betta than him.

Wait! Wait! Uhhhh why not Charles Cockens?

I know, how silly. Nothing should be fact checked, everyone should just spew whatever untrue bullshit they think.

Trump does this already we just need to get everyone else on board.

Double down on the lying my fellow Americans. The only things which are true are the things which aren't offensive to you.

I quite like drugs and drug dealers. I just like how he doesnt give a fuck, which is so rare these days where everyone is bending over backwards to be a bigger pussy. Backbone is rare. It's a shame it's not being used for something good.

More like 30 and I posted in the gout reddit once and somebody saw it. Was living off steak and beer at the time. Hasn't affected me in years.