You bullies!

62  2017-10-28 by Belchides


Lmao he changed his bio again to something even more pathetic.


That only takes one strike to be taken away. Just look for anything that SJWs would be angry at and report him.

Hey it's me thejoematarese

I want this more than life itself.

You don't think that demanding people to study your name for errors in all caps is a good way to show how the trolls aren't bothering you?

Do you think he regrets ever doing that live podcast with ant, Artie and Jim?

Well of course he does. It was the catalyst for all the problems that have transpired since then.

when he thought he could one-up them by claiming his wife is a doctor and he's ACTUALLY bigger winner than all of them even though they think they're so smart with their bullying, he set the stage

Holy fuck that was a long sentence.

He must've been really excited about the new audience it would introduce him to, that was literally the first time I heard his name.

He finally did made a pilot that got pick up... For the AA show

you sound retarded

You don't think his live show with Ant, Artie and Jim helped create the idea of the AA show?

it wasn't your idea, just your grammar

"You ever get it where you live in complete obscurity, then you act like a bitch on a show with three hilarious guys, and your entire life has been shit ever since?"

Is there a video of that still out there anywhere?

The best part is it would have been great for him if he had simply been funny. Or failing that, if he had been a good sport about all the bashing. He has only himself to blame.

Remember, this subreddit doesn't affect people's lives.

To be fair, Redbar is responsible for a LOT of Joe's misery. I know everyone here just hates on Redbar because he wears ripped jeans or whatever, but he was responsible for all the club calling that Matarese constantly refers to and he was doing a better Matarese impression before 100% Italian started its shtick. Joe has threatened Redbar physical harm on podcasts. Redbar deserves credit.

i still dont know who redbar is. all the joe trashing seemed to come out of the fixing joe with jim ant and artie

If I know anything about this sub, it's probably a good reason we don't know who Redbar is. People round' here hate one everything but rarely irrationally.

Everyone says Redbar is an unfunny douche. Do you have any clips to dissuade me?

Nobody does

Redbar really isn't "clippable"... it's a long form show and takes a while to get the hang of as the humor isn't derived from puns and witty back and forths with comedians like all the shows this sub likes. The host Mike David is the ultimate pest and eventually alienates everyone. He was on Compound but got kicked off because he was attacking people on the network. Gavin McKinnes let David guest host his show twice but now McKinnes won't speak his name. Redbar keeps it real and I think it's hilarious that this sub is so against it (hence all my downvotes). The main complaints I read are that he dresses like a hipster and uses a "radio" voice, which is a retarded complaint. His Matarese impression is the best and he made a lot of prank calls to comedy clubs as Joe live on air, which really got Joe's goat. 100% Italian ripped Redbar's impression off, but whatever. It's on live tonight at 6pm est at Give it a shot. I look forward to it every week. (Bring on the downvotes)

The show he did trashing Matarese was terrible. He has absolutely no comedic timing, plans nothing in advance, and repeats the same jokes over and over as he watches the entire clip in real time. Also, The jokes he repeated again and again were absolutely awful. Everyone defends Redbar the exact same way by saying he's long form as if that's not a crutch to convince his retarded fanbase that they're getting value for their donation.

I'll go ahead and get downvoted too - I like his show. Shitting on old O&A people all the time. Sounds like some place we know...

"unfunny douche"

Thanks, I got it

Fuck off with Redbar, Mike David is an unfunny faggot

Redbar stinks

Redbars back again

Redbar sucks horse cock.

Oh no, how will I know when Joe has a gig at sizzler or in the basement of a church?

basement of a church

Joe MASSarese

Fawkin home run


Only an utter faggot queer announces they won't be tweeting for a while. I hope his next tweet involves his wife fucking an entire homeless shelter.

wife fucking an entire homeless shelter.

And after eating out my wife....the bum said "home sweet home" AGABAGOO

Maybe he can get in touch with the place the Opester volunteers at.

I can picture it now. She lays herself out spreadeagled on a creaky donated table, and to the crowd utters "It's real cold outside, come warm yourselves inside me".

where are these impersonation accounts? i assume he blocks them so i won't see them in his reply feeds.

Mine got suspended after less than a day yesterday.

that fateful night he hosted the live fixin joe podcast... "ill have these guys on, they have a large fanbase it'll be great!"

How far do you think he dreamed? Did he think he would be like Marc Maron and have Obama on his podcast where the President tries to "Fix Joe"?

low energy loser Joe Matarese Sad!

Nothing makes your account look more fake than having 95% of your bio in capitals and directly referencing imposters.

but but but he has a blue checkmark

And that’s a lie

Why doesn't he just not tweet for a while? What a self-important douche.

This guy is gud at self promotion.

look what youve done /u/porsalin >:(

Haha he thinks I did everything man. The calls, the twitter accts...i don't know how I'm the fall guy here. But I don't mind really - every time I start feeling bad for the gut he does something to anger me. Anyway, how's tricks my good man? Don't be a stranger ole stinkers.

Jrt did the same thing to me, I think it’s just easier to deal with the anger if they assign it all to one face for them. Tricks are good I’m off to my 5oclock rn

I'm the fall guy here.

I'm more a Winter Guy myself.


That's it. I'm off Reddit til December 2017.

sup mate lets play pubg

Definitely up for some of that in the week. Just in Brighton right now trying to bang some Asian girl.

u mean ur GF!?

If that stands for Gook Fuck then yes

Wow what is frunkis deal

Frunkis?! If he's said or done anything I'm certainly out of the loop!

The best way to combat imposter accounts is to make your own dormant

I never listened to his podcast. Never listened to the "famous" one where they trashed him. It's the name "Fixing Joe"? Like we're all supposed to fix his problems?

I need to lose 120lbs, I'm about 40 through it. I was depressed for 2 years. I saw a shrink. I didn't pretend it was interesting enough to base a podcast or comedy career around. I'd did what HAD to be done(go to work, etc) if I could pay some body else to do it (takeout instead of cooking, mowing the yard, I paid somebody while I watched reruns). It wasn't funny of interesting. It was just life. I imagine 30%-60% of us go through it without a self centered podcast.

I need to lose 120lbs,

Woah shit man

Yeah. If you picture Buffalo Bills going "was he a great big fat person?", That's the appropriate response. I think I have a handle on it.

I recently graduated from college and because I spent most of the day sitting in class, I would listen to Stern and OA on a stationary bike for a few hours a day. Kept me in shape.

Do that.

I did, in college. Then, desk job. Right now, focusing on the eating, then add exercise. Go walking,/hiking& on weekends.

Don't give up. I believe in you random reddit guy.

Here's some motivation.

We're we literally the only comments on that post. How pathetic. Crazy he can make such a good pahddddcast still.

In vein of the "WE ARE THE SHOW" guys.


I can't stop saying "I'm Joe Matareeeese, welcome to my pawd-cast"

i still dont know who redbar is. all the joe trashing seemed to come out of the fixing joe with jim ant and artie

Everyone says Redbar is an unfunny douche. Do you have any clips to dissuade me?

Fuck off with Redbar, Mike David is an unfunny faggot

Redbar stinks

Redbars back again

Redbar sucks horse cock.

You don't think his live show with Ant, Artie and Jim helped create the idea of the AA show?

Yeah. If you picture Buffalo Bills going "was he a great big fat person?", That's the appropriate response. I think I have a handle on it.

u mean ur GF!?