Reminder: Anthony Cumia was Sue Lightning's paypig and probably still is.

45  2017-10-28 by JoeCumiaSr


Awe, look at that little pecka peaking under that skirt. Cute lil fella.

at least i wasnt the only one that looked there first

Finding someone here who didn't would be the surprise

First? No. Most? Yes.

This was actually taken in Anthony's bedroom.

Reminder: Sue has guns while Anth doesn't.

Question - when did Ant lose all his guns. Sorry, I’m out of the loop.

When he was arrested they confiscated all of his guns and hasn't been legally allowed to own one yet afaik.

But similarly to his Twitter ban, I'm sure he illegally has one at least at home. He's just too afraid of blacks.

I heard that since Anthony lost his guns a pack of hungry niggers surrounds Anthony's house every night and they pester him with laser pointers while he's trying to watch MASH.

Is that a reference to something that aired 50 years ago and was very New yorky and jewy?

Anthony LOVES boipucci. If it makes him happy and the t-girl is 18+ I don't really see the harm in it.

Most of us don't. We only see the harm in his violent denials.

nigga your twitter is off the chain. I was reading that shit dying the other day

That shit hard me dying fam

Too bad you didn't die irl.

ohhh shitt!

Spectrum face

Definitely high functioning.

Really looks like a dude in this one.

What kind of dudes have you been hanging around with? And can I hang out too, please?!

What dudes have fat legs and thighs like this?

And juicy suckable peckas.

I know, fawkin hot, right?

I can't fault Ant. I too want to make love to this sexy young man.

Are trannies just guys who were jealous of cam whores?

They're mentally I'll fags.

You'll what fags?


Sue Lightening is a good sport and deserves to bilk as much Tunisian cash as she can get.

Bleed 'em dry, transfriend.

Looks like Big Jay has been visiting too.

Modern medical technology really is something else these days.

Tush Raider

Anthony is a gay man. It's why he can't have normal relationships with women.

I want to eat her pussy until it blasts hot sperm in my face.

Pussies don't shoot sperm...wait a minute.

He looks like he smells like farts.

nice ken burns helmet, serial parent disappointer

Can you imagine forking over cash for the "privilege" of this thing flirting with you? I don't want to flirt with that, I just want to bend it over and rape its ass every now and again. Too much to ask?

It would not be so weird if she was passable but that's a guy

I know. That dude give me the weirdest erection.

Reminder : Ant would also rather fuck men who think that they are women(and probably has) than Rihanna.

I honestly think he's more attractive than Jill Nicolini

That’s a little pecker under that skirt, ya know? That’s a boy dressed as a girl. That’s a boy, Ant. That’s a boy. Ant, comment? Ant?

Ant really did try to get this young boy pregnant. Repeatedly.

Sue Valentine is pretty spesh.

I have weird feelings for sue

Even as a chick, sue still a thot.


at least i wasnt the only one that looked there first