What are some GOOD horror movies.

13  2017-10-28 by xavier_stock

The Shining, Devils Rejects, Child's Play 2. Post more.


You're Next is a pretty good recent horror film.

you should have watched Youre Wrong


I think the first saw is great

Saw 2 is good too, I forget 3 though

I saw the new one and it's just more of the same. Really schlocky and over the top but still entertaining and fun in a dumb way. Feel like they should've made more of an effort to introduce some kind of new wrinkle or fresh angle that could've laid groundwork for another cycle of sequels.

I saw the new one and it's more of the same, with no new wrinkles or fresh angles. Really schlocky and over the top, but entertaining and fun in a dumb way.

Suspiria, The Vanishing and Rosemarys Baby are great although one could be considered a thriller.


Isn't that a softcore porno?

Lake Mungo

The original Texas chainsaw massacre is still my favorite. Probably because it was the first horror flick I saw at the tender age of 10. Still plenty too love about it though.

Love that film, but I might watch the 2003 remake so I can jerk off to jessica biel's ass.

So that makes you 58 years old

first movie i saw that made me physically feel dirty by the end. i watched it later on mushrooms and came to love it even more. best horror movie of all time, hands down.

I watched House of 1000 Corpses on acid, it kinda set the mood for the mania that followed.

Where are we at with PG-13 horror, like Insidious?

Insidious 1 was decent but 98% of pg13 horror is gar bage imo. And no, I'm 36 years old.

Agreed, very very few are good.

Insidious was really good but like all good horror movies they decided to franchise it and they just got worse and worse. They do it to any half-decent idea that comes along, like Saw.

First one really impressed me.

I liked how in some scenes you could see the demons/ghosts/whatever hiding behind walls or in corners while the camera was moving around. It seems insignificant but there's not much going on in horror.

Did you see 3? It's about old lady ghost karate. I cant believe how terrible it is.

KillaKuhn goes to Walmart.

That was so-called ''Tragicomedy''

"Women Are Funny"

The Frighteners, Nightmare on Elm Street 3, Scream, nuthin too fancy container of popcorn I'm happy

Obviously the original Halloween.

28 Days Later

Zombie movies shouldn't count as horror. It's more shoot 'em up.

Yeah, but that one doesn't have many guns until the end and most of the kills are up close so it's pretty good.

I didn't say it was bad, I like the entire series. Even though 2 and 3 were total shit

Prefer 28 Weeks Later. The best opening for a zombie movie when he is running down the field and they are all chasing him.

Night of the Demons, Nosferatu the Vampyre, The Funhouse, The Changeling, Dolls, Near Dark, Dead and Buried, Tourist Trap, Prince of Darkness, Waxwork. I prefer cheesy 80's shit, but some of those are played pretty straight.

Dolls and Tourist Trap are so good.

I'm all about cheesy 80s stuff too. I'll add Terror Train, The Burning, Ghoulies 2, Final Exam, House on Sorority Row, Madman, Just Before Dawn, Happy Birthday to Me...

If you want to watch the ultimate slasher movie then check out Sorority House Massacre 2. Every single cliche is included and glorified. It's great.

Night of the Demons doesn’t get nearly enough love.

Part 2 is just as good, imo. The dance floor scene traumatized me as a kid.

That one is great too.

Leprechaun in the Hood.

Tales from the Hood is probably the best spook movie for spooks.

I still listen to the soundtrack sometimes. It has some great 90s gangsta shit. Inspektah Deck, Scarface, Gravediggaz.

Big mistake on my part watching the DotD remake before seeing the original. After the remake was so entertaining, I couldn't get through the first one. And I tried really hard.

Leprechaun In The Hood is the worst Leprechaun movie, but Leprechaun: Back To The Hood is the best one.

The Beyond, [rec] (not the shitty American remake called Quarantine), frontier(s), Martyrs (the official movie of this sub), V/H/S 1 and 2, In the Mouth of Madness, Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight, Opera, Dead Birds, The Descent, Absentia

Alternatively, if you want a good scare, just go to Compound Media and wait until Anthony's face appears.

goddamn in the mouth of madness was good. im waiting until my kid turns 13 so we can watch it together.

anthony isn't

Absentia was okay. VHS movies even the third I still watch to this day. Most horror falls apart in the long form, a lot of shitty movies would have been good as 20 minute shorts.

Martyrs is the scariest horror movie.

Event Horizon

Most horror movies suck tbh

That is the most over rated horror movie in existence.

If you haven't watched it recently do it. It stinks.

Sci-Fi horror is the only real horror I like, It helps me suspend my belief regarding the retarded nonsense that is going on. It's that simple for me.

It's not overrated it's accurately rated but everything else stinks around it.

It's not overrated it's accurately rated but everything else stinks around it. Space Horror seems like something that would be great but there's so few good examples of it. You've got Event Horizon, Alien, and maybe Pitch Black if you're being generous. The rest stink and all the decent stuff is in video games.

The Witch

I'd recommend this too. Thought it was great up until the supernatural stuff at the end - crazy naked bitches mashing up babies in the woods worked well enough

Chris Finch, bloody good rep.

It Follows was another recent one that, like The Witch, most people either loved or detested.

It Follows was in no way, shape or form like The Witch.

It Follows was great. It didn't even occur to me until later that it kills all the victims while raping them. It adds a whole other layer to it.


It's not really scary, but it should be mentioned here. The Thing is a great movie

Also, you can get all the movies mentioned here on /r/megalinks now too I think

Most of the movies listed aren't scary, to tell the truth. I like Dawn of the Dead (2004), It (2017), Evil Dead, The Thing, Alien, The Shining, A Nightmare on Elm Street, etc. because they are entertaining movies, not because they are scary.

It is a good example, because 95% of the horror is jumpscares, and that got boring after the tenth scene of Pennywise jumping out to scare a child. The children make the movie entertaining (suuurre), and it would suck like most horror movies if the leads were boring.

I guess I prefer psychological horror or thrillers.

Not all of them are jumpscares, The Shining didn't have them. Good ones build tension, and the tension only works if you allow it to work. If you're the type of person who wants to stay distant from the movie it will always seem like an entertaining thing, but if you don't find any classic movies creepy or tense then that's probably you as a viewer. Also psychological horror is for fags.

Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Halloween. Halloween 3 Season of the witch is also good. Candyman, The Funhouse, Creep.

Halloween 3 Season of the witch is also good.

the movie really has been redeemed through time. It's arguably the 2nd best in the entire series, even despite the goofy Celtic mythology and robot stuff. It contains a truly shocking and unsettling moment from genre history, has a really haunting ending, and overall really captures the Carpenter vibe. Halloween 2 has a lot of stupid bullshit, like death by hot tub. 4-7 range from absolutely abysmal to mildly tolerable to enjoyably bad. The Rob Zombie ones don't really work at all but have slight value for the dedication he applies to his aesthetic (which the films House of A Thousand Corpses and Lords of Salem are the best illustrations of).

I like the confrontation between Loomis and Myers in the empty gas station in 4, but I agree with most of what you said.

The original and Season of the Witch are by far my favorite. The Stonehenge stuff was kind of stupid, but the atmosphere is amazing, the Irish town in middle of no where, the Robots, and the music was creepy.

a serbian film

Pair this with 120 days of sodom and you will feel sick for a year

Evil dead homo

if you don't mind some subtitles, The Audition is awesome

I watched that after seeing it on some 100 top horror movie list. Did not disappoint.

Hostel 1 and 2 ( 3 is complete shit), vhs series

All of Eli Roth's directorial efforts are good: Cabin Fever, Green Inferno, Knock Knock. He produced a lot of shit, though. His streak of directing good movies will almost certainly end in March with the remake of Death Wish.

Knock knock was 100% pure distilled fecal matter.

Who's there? :)


Chad who?

Shut the fuck up /u/Kn0ckkn0ckb0t

A bunch of really good ones came out this year. They just didn't get a major release and are a tad obscure:

The Devil's Candy (Netflix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpRnCZQWqDU&t

The Void (Netflix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkmSNt4moNg

Raw (Netflix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HhzITHOmYjM

The Blackcoat's Daughter (Amazon Prime) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRc_-iK3RVE

Killing Ground (VOD but probably Netflix soon) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmAaEiHu_9k

Creep 2 (now on VOD but first Creep on Netflix) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_0sBk50Qr0

A few ones that were pretty good which got major releases: "It Comes at Night" and "Life."

Netflix also has a good 1-2 punch of new Stephen King adaptations with "Gerald's Game" and "1922."

Videos linked by /u/jofreal:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
The Devil's Candy - Official Trailer - I HD I IFC Midnight IFC Films 2017-02-16 0:02:26 268+ (96%) 73,238
The Void - Official Trailer Screen Media Films 2017-03-03 0:01:41 1,332+ (98%) 146,893
Raw (2017) Official Trailer Horror Addict 2017-05-24 0:01:12 235+ (85%) 21,690
The Blackcoat's Daughter | Official Trailer HD | A24 A24 2017-02-03 0:02:18 2,555+ (92%) 614,228
Killing Ground - Official Trailer I HD I IFC Midnight IFC Films 2017-06-07 0:02:23 114+ (94%) 56,154
Creep 2 - Official Trailer The Orchard Movies 2017-10-13 0:01:47 5+ (71%) 1,109

Info | /u/jofreal can delete | v2.0.0

The void is a new favorite of mine, its depiction of hell on earth is great

The Void fuckin rules. Also takes all of about two minutes to get going which is great

Ive caught alot of shit for saying this, but its my favorite horror movie since the thing.

Is It Comes At Night any good? I saw the trailer and it was so vague I couldn't get interested.

Very good. Top 5 of the Year good, so far anyway. It's more of a dark, dramatic thriller about struggling to survive in a post-apocalyptic world cut off from society's remnants, though. Super dark and devastating, with great atmosphere and paranoia.

Thanks, is there at least a decent creature? Cause I'm not sold unless it's got a unique premise cause The Road and others can do bleak post apocalyptic shit well enough. There's 2 things I am not interested in at all anymore, haunted house movies and "humans are the real monsters" movies. I realize this is a faggy demand but I own it with gusto.

No creatures, unless you count the ghastly side effects of people afflicted with the doomsday plague that took down civilization. There's definitely vapors of the human monster theme that can often be poorly used. The tension arises from fear of the outside, and of people in the group being infected. That's where the dread and paranoia kick in. I would categorize the spirit of the film as unique even though the subject matter is familiar. I'm sensing it might not be up your alley but I bet at the very least you would find it more worthwhile than Annabelle Creation type stuff. One big potential dealbreaker for the OnA crowd: the family bunkering drown in the woods at the heart of the story is interracial. The horror!

I've heard people talk about Annabelle Creation, what's up with that? You sold me on this cause you sound confident in your appraisal, I just don't know what's up with this other thing. I could Google it but I think you're on a roll.

Mid-80s had great stuff. Return of the Living Dead, Re-Animator, Fright Night, etc. None of them are scary, but they are fun.

All time favorite goes to the original Dawn of the Dead, and I could watch The Shining a million times and never get sick of it.

Blair witch Project. The 1st one. The 2nd one was garbage.

Blair Witch is one of my favorite horror movies of all time, but I think it only works if you know the context of when it came out before everyone started ripping it off. But even if you've seen every other found footage horror movie there's something about it that's just better than shit like Quarantine and Grave Encounters. Around the time it was released they did as fake documentary about the backstory and that helps a lot, I remember watching it back when people still thought it might be real (even though it had credits with actors, people are fucking stupid.)

The Thing American Werewolf in London High Tension (fuck every internet listicle's opinion) The Descent The Shining The Witch

Medicated by Joe Matarese

The Babadook

John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness. Watch it every halloween.

All of his movies are good. Even the ones that aren't quite classics are still entertaining and have awesome music.

I love all his movies. But there is a quality to Prince of Darkness that really freaks me out. And the idea that Satan was locked away under a neglected church in L.A./Hollywood is an apt metaphor.

The video dreams of the cloaked figure in the doorway are very eerie and the film definitely has one of Carpenter's best "ambiguous apocalypse" endings.

check this out if you havent seen it yet.


Fawkn ghost busters wit dat big black lady

Dracula Dead and Loving it

I am drinking VINE and eating CHIKIN

Dead Alive, back when Peter Jackson made over the top gore comedy

I know a lot of people are going to disagree, but, Halloween III is a good one. If it had a different name then people would appreciate it more.

Halloween 3 is my favorite of the series. I saw it on cable as a kid around halloween and it fucked my shit up

That scene where the kids heads rota inside the mask is more memorable than many scenes from the Michael films.

Thats the exact scene that haunted me!



The witch

Martyrs is beyond horror. That film worms it's way into my thoughts regularly and I'm the kind of person that doesn't shock or take much seriously.

Masterful and totally original.

I'll add some more

The Wailing

It Follows

Cannibal Holocaust

The Ring

The Exorcist

The Grudge

IT (2017)




While it's not among the best I've always thought Wrong Turn was fairly underrated. It's refreshing to see the cliche of people staying in the same place for the whole movie avoided and it adds realism imo. The way the genre got to the point where even parodies were being parodied took me out of it, but that's just me. Also I've heard complaints that it was really derivative but fortunately I never watched the things it was derivative of.

The original Halloween is probably my favorite horror movie, and The Poughkeepsie Tapes is probably the one that scares me the most.

  • A Nightmare on Elm Street
  • Insidious
  • The VVitch
  • Black Christmas
  • The Last House on the Left
  • Sinister
  • It Follows
  • The Sentinel
  • The first 20 minutes of When A Stranger Calls is some of the best tension I've ever seen but the rest is eh

Little kid me peed my pants watching "When A Stranger Calls"

In high school my social studies teacher told us the poughkeepsie tapes were real and that it was his home town. It scared our entire class for the year lol


creep show 1 and 2. There's a 3rd one I just realized, but it was made in 2006.... probably fucking sucks ass and there looks like there's some blacks in it too yuck!

It's one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It's not even so-bad-it's good, it's just really fucking bad.

fuck this sounds like some Room level stuff without the funny. Have to watch this shit now, people are saying the same shit about it online haha!

Dead Silence for your killer ventriloquist doll movie fix.

Otto would have loved it

The shittier the better in my opinion. Watching Leprechaun 4 really gets me in the spirit of things

He doesn't even talk in rhymes in that one.

Obviously classics like the first Halloween and Rosemary's Baby. Martyrs (the original French version) is fucking horrifying. Another good one is Kill List. British film - isn't really a horror movie till the last third but is a really original and unsettling film.

The Visit was pretty dope, surprisingly.

The Conjuring 2 was the worst movie I've ever seen. Worth watching to laugh at what wastes of time horror movies can be.

Valak was a great demon in conuring 2 imo

Yeah too bad they found his name in the phone book and took him down. Very well thought out story and not a random montage of corny scenes

The office scene with valak is like a real nightmare. And the bedroom scenes with bill welden before we find out (spoiler alert) he is valaks slave are scary. The tv remote scene is a good jump scare, and the tent at the top of the stairs added a good element of horror. Different strokes for different folks i guess.

I thought his name was bill tetley, when he swam up and lost his dentures I was a little scared he wasn't going to be able to eat solid food anymore but other than that I found the whole movie to be laughable, but yeah agree to disagree

The Wailing (2016) or The Autopsy of Jane Doe (2015)


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Inside is a great French horror. It's really fucked up and tows the line between scary and obscene.

A recent mainstream horror I like was The Autopsy Of Jane Doe. It's got a good haunted supernatural element to it as well as plenty of jumpy moments. Also Jane Doe has a great body for the necrophiliacs amongst us ;)

Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me


Toxic Avenger is hilarious.

Babadook is alright. Session 9 is one of my favorites.

I just watched The Exorcist 3. Very underrated horror movie. Dahmer used to watch it to get in the killing mood.

"Jungle Fever." - Anthony Cumia

Jacobs Ladder is a great creepy movie. It's basically Silent Hill the movie but good.

Demons 1985 1408 John Carpenters Vampires Daybreakers The Fourth Kind

Troll Troll 2 Ginger Snaps Night of the Creeps Trick R Treat 2008

Alien. Period.

"It follows"was pretty good.

Shut the fuck up /u/Kn0ckkn0ckb0t

Blair Witch is one of my favorite horror movies of all time, but I think it only works if you know the context of when it came out before everyone started ripping it off. But even if you've seen every other found footage horror movie there's something about it that's just better than shit like Quarantine and Grave Encounters. Around the time it was released they did as fake documentary about the backstory and that helps a lot, I remember watching it back when people still thought it might be real (even though it had credits with actors, people are fucking stupid.)

No creatures, unless you count the ghastly side effects of people afflicted with the doomsday plague that took down civilization. There's definitely vapors of the human monster theme that can often be poorly used. The tension arises from fear of the outside, and of people in the group being infected. That's where the dread and paranoia kick in. I would categorize the spirit of the film as unique even though the subject matter is familiar. I'm sensing it might not be up your alley but I bet at the very least you would find it more worthwhile than Annabelle Creation type stuff. One big potential dealbreaker for the OnA crowd: the family bunkering drown in the woods at the heart of the story is interracial. The horror!