Just a couple of good-looking men pushing a great read.

128  2017-10-27 by McGowan9


please sir, colin is perfect just the way he is

Of course. Only Jimmy's picture has been altered to make him more handsome, no?

Handsome fellas.

This handsome thing has got old real quick.

That's just something ugly people say.

My mother said I'm handsome once you look past my face so fuck you Mister.

Sorry pal, but your mum's a lying slag. Once she's gone, you'll be set free. I'm telling you this for your own good. I love you more than she does.

What kind of fucking muslim thinks that a dark stuble is sexy?

Tbh I think it's less about the shady chin fluff and more about the overall facial symmetry/clear eyes and flawless skin.

When you scrub the possibility of unnecessary skin cancer and/or scurvy...you're doing ok.

I love that this sub is full of jack off material now

Can you imagine if Cruisin Colin looked like that? There'd be no boi pussy left


Maybe remote control wouldn't have been cancelled..

Chris Evans and Nacho in Better Call Saul

I certainly wouldn't kick Colin out of bed.... if you know what I mean.

Go ooon.

I wouldn't kick him out of bed for eating crackers.

How about eating ass

Hard 7

oh shit im sexy jim norton

Prove it

i almost did, but then thought " fuck they'd probably be able to track my FB down after that and post pictures of daughter with a black cock in her mouth " so just take my word for it i guess

I like the Ant ones because he still looks just as Arab afterwards.

And before

North african at best

Colin was a good-looking guy when he was younger, before the Irish genes fully expressed themselves and his head became pumpkin-like with a purplish hue.

The Colin that never was, RIP Collum.


Handsome Collin looks like Jon Hamm

It's amazing how just a few alterations make Jimmy look like an actual human.

young Colin was even better looking than that

Did you broaden up Colin's sholders or is Jim just that tiny?

God damn does Jim look good there.

I think the slightest bit of stubble would make real Jim a little better bit he's as hairless as one of Uncle Paul's lovers