My Thoughts on Joe Matarese's Nightmare Onslaught of "Trolls"

0  2017-10-27 by OpiesInnerCircle

Dear Joe -

  • 100% Italian is hilarious. As a comedian, he should get that and leave it the F alone. It brings joy to thousands of people & to try to ruin that is the height of douchebaggery.

  • If you continue to be a thin skinned whiner, the trolls will probably continue. Want it to stop? Ignore them. Do you see Anthony, Jim or Sam whining about what goes on here everyday? No. Maybe follow their lead. Just a suggestion from someone that grew up near you in Cherry Hill, NJ and has friends that have played music with you.

  • I 1000% agree with you that no one should be doing things to affect your income and I hope you catch whomever is doing it and there are repercussions for them. I don't find it funny with Brother Joe and I don't find it funny with you.

Basically, stop being a baby. Have a sense of humor and focus on the potential criminals that are causing you lost income.



Are you saying you know Italian people? Better watch out for this guy!

Joe Matarese made 5400 dollars doing comedy last year

Wop faggot.

Don't help him. Trolling his is all I have.