No Fucks Given: Stranger Things 2

0  2017-10-27 by crookedmile

Let's go


Eleven dies in the first episode.

Guys! Its the 80's!!!!!!!! Did we mention its the 80's yet? What's the year again? Oh right... it's the 80's!!!! Wacky clothes and played out music.

There no need to watch the show now.

I couldn't make it through the first episode, although I must say it looks like exactly the kind of show Joe Cumia could really sink his teeth into.

Nah he would sink a straw into them little mugs to get that goodness.

If u want good 80s horror comedy go no further than "the burbs" with Tom hanks

and Corey Feldman!

Shit, a Dante run through the 80's is fucking badass.

I always try to tell people how perfect that movie is and no one ever agrees with me because they're horrible faggots.

I remember it used to be on tv when I was a kid every other month on Saturday late afternoons and I always watched it.

Rip off every 80s horror and coming off age film. Add some racial diversity and liberal leaning subjects and you got yourself a hit!

Woah, like the #feels are so #real and I'm literally #crying at these #kids and like literally and stuff. Gonna​ #binge the whole thing lol.

While I 100% agree, your hash tags are fucking faggot.

That's the bit.

But it's not. Fuck you stupid.

yougogirl #sassy

It's Reddit the show aka for faggots.

Never saw it or any of the movies you say it is ripping off. Don’t want to be influenced.

first season was ok. I thought it was going to be more sinister or creepy than an interdimensional monster chasing kids by the end.Seemed like 1 season would've been enough, like a long movie.