Weekend is here again gang!

25  2017-10-27 by fingerofgawd

That's enough adulting for one week, am I right?πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ™ƒ

Just gonna take my doggo🐢🐢 for a walk and then it's time to partaaaaay

You be safe out there guys and take it easy on the alcohol, mk? πŸ˜‰ 🍺 🍻 πŸ₯‚ 🍷 πŸ₯ƒ 🍸 🍹 🍾


Dogs are for faggots.

How dare you.

No,Cats are for Poofters

I'm going to some art collective open bar Halloween dance party in Chinatown dressed as an old man. There are "no rules, no curfew" so I'm hoping to do a lot of drugs, drink excessively, and get blown by some confused minx with granddaddy issues.

Maybe firing up a little Stranger Things 2????

You like shows about preteens crossing dimensions? What are ya 12.

wild man!

Has anyone here tried vaping alcohol? And what was it like?

Weekend is here! Time go down to the old truck stop and suck some strange dicks.

I'd join you! But my puppers sick:( I cant imagine leaving him at home while he's all like "I needed you that day, hooman", I'm tearing up!