Opie goes after Trump..... by criticizing the one policy no one disagrees with

30  2017-10-27 by FlashVirus


Dipshit strikes again: https://twitter.com/OpieRadio/status/923730395639754752

PoliticOpie is the worst fucking character he ever created, I want Harry the Hater back.

Opie Shrugged: Just legalize it all man. Fawwkin let people do what day want.. sniff

He really is a simpleton trying to act like a grown up.

No its far worse than that- its him desperately trying to get a viral tweet by latching onto every single trending topic.

you didn't allocate any funds to the problem today so it's more talk than action.

Because congress would have to vote on a budget with more money given to the DEA or states. Does he think Presidents have a check book they can just whip out and make a payment immediately?

My guess is yes he does think that. Because he’s incredibly stupid and uninformed.

Opie is expert level at making trite opinions.

Why is his Twitter name still opie radio? He isn't on the radio anymore. I wonder if in Tits delusional mind he still has a radio show.

ME: "It's all a ruse. Trump is all in with the pharmaceuticals, maaaannnnn!"

Opie's Regular Joe is spot on.

He’s the lazy conspiracy theorist: Profits - doesn’t give a number Big Pharma - at least name a company

I love how he acts so confident in his opinions on twitter as if we all don't know he's an inarticulate stuttering fool on the radio.

Lady in the streets, faggot in the tweets!

Opie is a dunce.

You HAVE TO screenshot Tits’ tweets. The vast majority of us are blocked.

If you start a comment with "yawn," then maybe what you're about to say isn't interesting enough to post on social media.

This guy bought a place in one of Trump's buildings and doesn't vote.

But he has strong opinions Brother Wease asks him to share outside of Rochester for him.

This is the first reply

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Where&#39;s your wife opie?</p>&mdash; MJ Ding VII (@AdeliaRatterree) <a href="https://twitter.com/AdeliaRatterree/status/923701422843035648?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">October 27, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

But don't you know, the opster is down with youth and times maaaaaaaaaaan!

Pretty sure tits is the last ten people that say things " Rule".

His mental capacity is that of a tween girl with an undiagnosed yet profound learning disability...

... not unlike the one licking me ‘tween my cheeks right nowBoo. kills self

It's all just fawkin bullshit, maaaaan

Tits must've saw one of those "if voting could change anything they would outlaw it" bumper stickers and thought it was the most profound shit he ever saw.

Uncanny, I was just sitting here wondering what fucking Opie's opinion was on national health policy.

Failed radio jock, failed viral video creator, failed husband, failed male. Is failed pundit next?

Girlie hat man, Whose your daddy?