First episode of Mindhunter sucked a bulbous peckah

1  2017-10-27 by A_Friendly_Creeper

I finished Ozark, total poo-poo. What is good to watch? #Hulu has to be better


Does Netflix still have old Jackie Chan movies? Drunken master, super cop, project a. They're all fun to watch

Those are cool duuuude, but we've seen them too often

What about (If you don't mind reading subtitles): Battle Royale, Oldboy, The killer

Hardboiled, Ichi The Killer

The littl soldier movie chan made was really good. Might still be on flix

Just in case you've never seen it yet. Have you tried Fargo?

Yeshamesh, saw it and loved it.

Watch chopper. Or Outcast if you like occult stuff and little kids getting beat up by a grown man.

The creator of Banshee started Outcast I think....I'll check it out.

I've only watched one episode but the comics are great, and it seems to be sticking pretty close to the source material.

Outcast is garbage, don't watch it.

Fuck you Mindhunter was good.

As was ozark. OP eats more calories than he burns on a daily basis.

Word I liked Ozark too. Some unintelligent faggots can't enjoy shows without constant explosions & shoot outs.


Protiviti won't like that

sorry I overreacted babe!

I'm on the second episode and would like to say that OP is an ADD fuck if he can't enjoy this.

I'm now on ep 4 and loving it.

Congrats on overcoming your disease

I do see the temptation to give up on Mindhunter after episode 1 because it was complete shit. So I'm glad I gave episode 2 a chance.

First ep was doo doo brown. But I'm gonna finish it because everyone says it gets good.

I said the first episode was bad. I'm giving it a chance.

Mindhunter gets good when they interviewed their first killer ep one is a drama, then it turns into a true crime.

Mindhunter does get better once Edmund Kemper comes on in episode two. First episode is dull, but that's the case for like 90% of shows. Just skip the scenes with his flat-chested cunt girlfriend, since they add nothing to the plot.

And yeah, Ozark was fucking boring.

Yeah the girlfriend storyline was pointless. Also, the lead actor is obviously a homosexual.

He does seem mysterious. I kept having to remind myself he's not Dennis from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.

I'm glad I wasn't the only one that thought he looks like Dennis the whole series.

He's a tony nominated Broadway actor which would lead many to conclude that

Highly recommend "Mr. Mercedes" if a good crime series is what you're looking for. I would even say it's worth using certain streaming sites to watch it if you don't have Direct TV (which it's exclusive to).