Disney Channel Kowtowing to Liberal Faggots

0  2017-10-26 by crookedmile


Which Zoey 101 girl do you think grew up the hottest?

The one that got pregnant by the producer/creator and left Hollywood in shame.

Reminder: If you're going to fuck your way to the top, take the pill(s).

Didn't Ellen do this on her show 25 years ago? Liberals really love rebooting their own narrative.

I don't know why any semi-liberal website even have comment sections anymore. The newsites wised up and took em down for whatever bullshit troll reason they declared and now their writers don't have to get bullied everytime they have a retarded article.

If you go on yahoo.com it's like reading the facebook posts of every dad you've ever met and it's hilarious

I'm for it if Buffy responds by coming out as Muslim and throwing him off the roof.

One of the comments:

I’m honestly not that surprised by this but when I read this I started to cry because as a queer transgender youth I have never felt included with media and always feel like people assume that my I either am just confused or following some “trend” I’m only fourteen but already I have faced so many struggles because of my gender that I have seriously contemplated ending me life. I hope that with this being brought into mainstream children’s media that maybe even just a few children can feel more comfortable in this world.

I have faced so many struggles because of my gender that I have seriously contemplated ending me life.

Well then

Get the ball rolling son it doesn't get better 🍕🗑

This Disney thing is really triggering some people on this sub. Who gives a fuck about The Disney Channel & their content. Do you actually watch the Disney Channel & if not then why do you care?

Old Walt is going to have a fit when they thaw him out.

Any grown adult giving a fuck about what Disney is doing should just off himself.

Lol. I grew up w Pete and Pete and I am a better man for it