Joe Matarese's most popular video (4 million+ views!) is of him being heckled by "the whole crowd"

75  2017-10-26 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Short breakdown:

-Childish green day shirt
-From 2008, "before meds"
-Audience shouts out his predictable punchlines, joe does some weak attacking
-Audience is tired of him talking about rocky and tells him rocky sucks, joe launches into a mickey impression
-Comments that 90% of the audience is bad (ie, 90% hates him) -Audience tells Joe they already know his wife is a psychologist, joeY compares himself to Bill Cosby (pre-rape and almost universally loved as a comedy icon) getting interrupted when talking about his wife
-Joe laments that being mercifully heckled is crushing his massive ego
-Reverts to the time-honored argument winning strategy of getting louder and repeating yourself, followed by "OPEN YOUR VAGINA", which means "?????" but gets a big laugh
-Woman tells him to "be funny and we won't talk", Joe stumbles, has no comeback, blames it on going to therapy
-Implies he has a huge zinger loaded and ready to go, crowd calls his bluff and tells him to say it, he does not
-I think he receives a standing ovation, not sure
-Closing credits: Joe really needs help! Also, pleasepleaseplease comment! Here is Joe's myspace!

Oh, by the way, comments are disabled. This is a video of a room full of people he does not know heckling him, and he has disabled comments so that more people he does not know cannot heckle him. Thin-skinned cunt.

Nothing wrong w/ that shirt.

Yeah if you like Disney-voiced homosexuals crying about the world over the same hackneyed chord progressions.

Or it’s not an over the top shirt and American Idiot, which is the album that shirt is promoting, is/was a tremendous album.

No it wasn't.

Oh sure it was. Don’t be silly.

And now you're bossing people around. Stop it.

Sir, I take offense at that word. #banbossy

How small is your musical frame of reference that American Idiot was tremendous? The dude that used to sing about meth & jacking off trying to cash in on the political climate of 2004 (while adjusting aesthetics from 90s burnout to 2000s myspace emo faggot to remain young & relevant despite pushing middle age, lol) & still coming out sounding closer to Blink 182 than RATM. For Christ sake, they made fucking awful teenage girl pandering music videos of spoiled suburban white faggots melodramatically crying with the overall message being 'people go to war & their families at home worry.' DEEP SHIT.

Big Jay is probably the only one who'd agree with you.

No I don’t think Big Jay would like Green Day. Not “heavy” enough. But to answer your question... how small is my musical frame? Tragically small. I having been playing music for 19 years, I play several instruments, read music and went to school for music recording where I took several years of music theory classes. My favorite band is an improvisational band that I’ve seen 59 times all over the country. But I do love Green Day and think that album is genius so... obviously tragically small musical frame of reference. You got me.

Sorry, but despite your resume, you still didn't get the job. However there is an opening in the worlds biggest faggot department you'd be perfect for.

Not sure what job it is you’re referring to that I apparently didn’t get. As far as the worlds biggest faggot department... I’m the SR VP of Marketing. Clearly, right?

Not sure what job it is you’re referring to that I apparently didn’t get.

Autism confirmed.

That literally makes no sense whatsoever.

It shouldn't if you have autism & can't process intentional absurdity, irony, sarcasm, etc.

You’re not very bright are you? Do you just go around spouting typical internet platitudes? I’m gonna go ahead and say definitely.

Piss off with your "I actually go REAL DEEP with music BROTHAMAN" crap. The balding pony tailed asshole at every guitar shop in the world has been playing music for decades too, Brother Joe. None of that means shit if you're still enthralled by the one dimensional pandering Green Day did on that garbage album.

DUDEGEORGEBUSHLMAO + same 3 power chords as every other album = American Idiot

Not even that album gaining them a fanbase of entirely 16 year old millenial emo girls made you think twice about your developmentally arrested choice in album?

I was just answering a question.

Calm down.

3 paragraphs of inane rambling vs a one sentence response. You’re right. I need to compose myself.

Will you just shut up and go away. Literally having a mental breakdown because somebody doesn't like your overrated faggot band. Calm down you fucking spastic.

Sir... I believe if you look at my comments vs yours and some of the other gentlemen in this thread I can very confidently say that I am the calm one. Very far from having a mental breakdown. Goodness gracious.

It's just a band, holy fucking shit. Relax. :$

how small is my musical frame? Tragically small. I have been playing music for 19 years, I play several instruments, read music and went to school for music recording where I took several years of music theory classes.

He's asking for "frame of reference", not what you personally can do with instruments. Some people know several instruments and only have classical as a frame of reference. Or country, etc.

My favorite band is an improvisational band that I’ve seen 59 times all over the country.

Horseshit like Phish or Dave Matthews Band or STS9 or Lotus could fit that description and obsessively following one band all over the country would point to a narrow frame of reference.

You make a good point. I was simply saying I have extensive musical knowledge. Not some jerkoff who thinks they’re some sort of music aficionado but in reality knows nothing about music.

Also for thinking Jambands are horseshit it’s interesting that you know of Lotus and Sound Tribe Sector 9. Closeted jamband fan perhaps?




Nothing wrong w/ that shirt.

40 year olds wearing mascara.

Fwiw they were in their early 30’s at that point but yeah... that was cringy. I never got the GuyLiner or AFI-Liner.

They also have a song called time of your life or something where in the first 20 seconds, the guitarist makes two mistakes and says fuck right before the song starts. These songs are made in mulitimillion dollar studios by record producers who make millions yet that "mistake" was left in. My only conclusion was that they did that so that they could say "Heyyyyyy man we're just like youuuuuu mannnnn...we all make mistakes". Agh they're so douchy. I like a few of their songs but they always douche it up. There's that one song "On Holiday" where in the middle, they insert some douchy political rant.

Calm down guy. I was just saying it’s not a bad shirt. Go lie down for Christ sake.

If I saw some 14 year old wearing it, I'd be okay with it but when a 40 year old (Currently 49yrs old ) father of two wear one, it just looks so embarrassing.

What were the mistakes they made, smart guy?

Sincerely, the [email protected]

Hitting a G instead of a D as the 3rd note of the opening progression twice. It happens in under the first 3 seconds of the song.

What’s that? Oh... this comment was a joke and the question rhetorical? Well... I sure have egg on my face!


I will still defend AFI to this day even though they are gay and did emo shit. Their music pumps me up for some reason.

I dug some of their early stuff but they went into a direction I just really didn’t like. Not sure if it’s true but Fat Mike said that this is Davey Havok’s house. Always made me laugh.

damn that shizz is blacka than the devils coal

Thank you for your service

"Joe Matarese performing in Michigan. Everyone in the whole crowd is awful! I slowly snap on everyone. This is me before meds in 2008."

Notice how he goes from third person to first person. He's DEFINITELY not on his meds.

BTW can someone confirm that the Bill Burr Phili Incident happened shortly before this? First Materese copies Louie CK's family angle, then he copies the stereotypical comedian drug angle, but before all of that, he tried to copy Burr's viral video.

The "Billy" Burr incident was indeed 2 years prior in 2006. Really makes me think.

Matarese is hack then. And not even a good one.

I remember watching this years ago, I never noticed he uploaded it (and wrote that cringey title) himself. Embarrassing.

Did you see when he was on AGT and he just stood there and no one laughed? Its so funny and sad at the same time.

What's even funnier is that it's not raw footage. Joe edited it to leave in what he thought were the best parts and he still looks like a bumbling buffoon. Every one of his retorts is generic and forgettable.

The only green day hes ever witnessed was when he prepped gumby

He sure turned that viral video into youtube success, his next most watched video has over 27,000 views

At least he's not so insanely insecure that he disabled comments and likes/dislikes on his nine year-old video. That sure would be pathetic if someone did that.

By "before his meds" he means his script for 10 mg of Adderall and 250 mg of fish oil.

Disabling comments is one thing, but I can't even dislike the video.

Why does he try so hard at being unlikeable?

Why does he have "Тихая ночь, дивная ночь | Silent Night Holy Night in Russian" in his Fixing Joe podcast playlist?

seeing him fail will never get old

Even before meds he still sucked

He sucked even before meds

I remember watching this when it came out, didn't know it was that unfunny douche

Big peckah billionaire destroys comedy show!

-chip chipperson

I gave up on cracked when they included this in an article about comedians destroying hecklers. I could do better than this.

If I saw some 14 year old wearing it, I'd be okay with it but when a 40 year old (Currently 49yrs old ) father of two wear one, it just looks so embarrassing.