FBI data dump raises huge question. Did Oswald act alone?

74  2017-10-26 by unclepaul84



That's the joke

Wait but there was nothing in the FBI leaks about Patton Oswald.

I dislike everything about this squishy little man.

Lets just stick to the photo alone

I dislike his vest/dress shirt combo with rolled up sleeves, I disloike his blue/brown boots, I dislike his salt/pepper hair that's styled like a lesbian, I dislike the fact he looks drugged out of his mind on Xanax but won't admit his part in killing his wife

So he has essentially no idea how to handle a hater who uses correct grammar.

Only a cold blooded wife murderer would think that vest was a good idea

The smirk of a murderer

Look at their smug "we got away with it" faces.

His claws are pinching her back fat and he rasps, right before the picture was taken: "You better smile you bitch."

"Don't embarass me."

Patton Harvey Weinwalt

Those poor open toe shoes.

Look at the heels on the smotherer. Still shorter tjan his accomplice.

The real question is what did Patton Oswald's wife know about the Deep State that warranted Patton's assassin protocol to be activated.

Is one of these ladies Patton?

He has killer posture.

I don't like the fact he dresses like the keyboard player from The Heartbreakers

those heels

practiced poise 1/2 foot in front of her for the camera to give optical illusion of extra inch

Drugged out, just a wee bit brown shoe wearing hobbit

It looks like her mouth is making a fat Fran Drescher sound. And Patton....he knows what he did.

From River Pheonix to this... thing.