While listening to past o&a shows '2013 - 2014..........

8  2017-10-26 by sarahemmingway

I noticed Jim doesn't start talking until like 30 mins in alot of times either he is always late or ??????


Yeah man <gulp> I just like to, ya know, sit back and get the lay of the um take it all in before I jump in.

(he's talking to whores)

I always assumed tits told him to lay low at the start of the show so he Anthony could get some of that classic chemistry going. I have no evidence of this but he's arrogant enough to say that

that actually is a good theory..... during the opie and jimmy fight he said that o&a were his boss and the only way to get fired would be through them......maybe opie told jim to be quite in the morning.......

Jim addressed this on the air once. He said something about how he would do a quick read of the paper while Opie & Anthony opened the show. It was also one of those self imposed “respect the hosts” rules. Their names are in the title, so they should open it. This explanation was from way earlier than 2013-14 tho.

That has always irritated me, because when listening to archives I have to wait to see if Jim is even there. I skip the shows without Jim. Ant and Opie alone on an average day was always shit unless they had a regular comic on.

This was standard fare back then. Jim would always let O and A start things off, and he said it was a deliberate choice on his part.