Fixing Joe Episodes on YouTube: Have You Seen this Series?!?!?

0  2017-10-26 by OpiesInnerCircle


Well... I'm certainly sure these won't be re-edited at the expense of Joe.

1: Joe's real wife isn't actually that hot (you always trade upward for a TV-wife).

2: Anyone who worries about silly shit, & then gets a doctor THEY PAY to assign it a label, needs more pain in their life (luckily this sub is here to help).

holy shit, there are over two hundred of these. this sounds like a job for /u/bonniesretardsister

Might need to archive them now, before we ruin it and have them taken down. I grabbed the first dozen I saw. /u/braunheiser

I know my limits.

“Any of you guys have OCD?” Yuckkkk

i skipped to 3 random moments in the video, and in everyone joe walking talking to the camera saying "ocd symptoms"

We shit on Joe but he really does have range as a comedic mind. He'll do a podcast about himself and his mental illnesses, then change it up completely and do a webseries about himself and his mental illnesses.

He's like Spielberg going from Jurassic Park to Schindler's List.

this faggot doesn’t have ocd he’s a bored loser

How did we not know about these?!?!? I did I YouTube search for Joe Matarese & filtered by View Count. I was trying to find the Matarese vs Geoffery the Robot thing & stumbled upon this treasure trove.

I hope porsalin is aware of these...

Ok now, who is this guy?

So, are these worth watching?

Just to remind you guys this is “official comedy”

Grow the fuck up and let the god damn coffee maker be, Joe. OCD my patoot.