I'm so jealous that I can't play poker at Anthony's house

5  2017-10-26 by Single_Action_Army

Let's face it, gang. We need to stop the player hatin' here and realize that we are just envious of the legends like Fred from Brooklyn and Steven S.
Playing poker with them would be an honor and Anthony did not have sex with Sue Lightning.


we could even make jokes-to-camera with the 'Opie's face' poker chips (wassat)

My mudder always said "Don't queer off with your friends, Chip!" I'm like, "We're not ma, we're teaching each other how to kiss!"

Be millionare

Have ugly freinds over to play poker and drink beer

Ant lives the exact same regular joe life he would have regardless of income

Poker is shit. So is karaoke. And swimming with dudes is gay.

But doing all that with a holster strapped to your waist is pretty badass

Not when you can't find your gun


Who is sue lightning?

Just looked him up. Idk why you brought him up because it was actually Bailey Jay who Anthony is friends with and the reason for the trans rumors.

Yeah I get them confused sometimes too and have to look 'em up for 'research'

If I want to play poker with men of that calibre, I can go to any homeless shelter in town and collect them.

The difficult part would be finding a replacement for Joe; I'd need to attend a lot of Family Court "deadbeat dad" trials to find just the right guy, hollering about how he's "not a paedophile"

Really? I'm not jealous at all and I believe he did in fact have sex with that man.

Reminder that Anthony spits on the floor when he loses a hand and thinks it's a cool thing to do.

Fucking animal.

Having sex with Sue Lightning would be an honor