George HW Bush is hilarious

101  2017-10-26 by pleasure2kill


My move is to get under the skirt and insert a finger in the anus and vagina and work the bitch like a sock puppet.

locker room talk

Orifice yuma.


"Look, it's Twatto and George"

I like this guy

He's a national treasure


You don't think performing in plays in Maine pays the bills?


I smell a book deal. "The Death of Magic" where she's prominently featured on the cover with her arms folded, hair pulled into a very tight bun, and thick rimmed glasses over tightly purses lips.

U made me lolz sir

Tss Tss...

That dude's got some charisma, no wonder he became president.

Read my lips: COP. A. FEEL.

The guy can barely breathe, you think he was able to mutter something funnier than opie has ever done

Right? I mean I highly doubt he could even lift his hand that high, and there's no way he said something that funny and even more unlikely Barbara would chime in saying something like that.

Bitch should do some research on the people she's trying to con money out of.

Even his admission of guilt sounds funny:

George H. W. Bush admits he 'patted women's rears'

the photo exists. you can look it up. his hand is behind her bum region.

Why the fuck did she go to Deadspin? Isn't that the sports site that tells people not to watch football because of concussions and cries about Barstool being sexist?

Also had to be bought by Univision thanks to Hulk Hogan's dick.

Because they are the ones that a wouldn't fact check their story.

Deadspin and their sister site Jezebel will publish anything at all if any of the traditional buzzwords (rape culture, sexism/misogyny/racism, gender, etc) are used in relation to anyone remotely famous. Jezebel just asked for Louis rumors even if they're totally unsubstantiated and unproveable.

George HW Chipperson

Even his admission of guilt sounds funny:

George H. W. Bush admits he 'patted women's rears'

Even his admission of guilt sounds funny:

George H. W. Bush admits he 'patted women's rears'

damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Wow. Such an extreme violation. I'm sure she will needs years of therapy to get over such trauma.


Gee, who'd have thought the former head of the CIA might do something unethical?

"As I felt his hand dig in to my flesh..."

Go fuck a fence, you self important community theater whore. You got your ass grabbed by an octogenarian. Cool it.

"I felt absolutely violated and threatened by this powerful man. Then he shit himself in his wheelchair and started crying."

this comment got me to actually laugh out loud. nicely done.

I don't care.

your mother is a ugly, ham-fisted cunt

Tell your therapist faggot

She didn't come up with that. Her jew lawyer did.

George HW Bush is an ass grabber? What's next? You going to tell me the holocaust really happened?

Correction. An octogenarian WW2 hero, former director of CIA and former US President. The slut should feel honoured.

Clearly this cooze hates the troops.

Communist bitch.


Stay the course! A thouuuuuusand points of light! Stay the course!

dana carvey voice


Every female nurse and nurse's aid in the history of modern medicine has had an old man grab her inappropriately. Are we going to be reading thinkpieces for the next two years detailing the horrific abuse these women have suffered?

This guy is in his 90s. Honestly, who cares? Would you feel violated and ashamed if a 90-year-old woman grabbed your ass?

His dick most likely doesn't work anymore. It's not even a sexual act.

It's an act of american sovereignty.

How come we never hear from people raped by African migrants in Europe?


Barbara Bush said something along the lines of, 'He's going to get himself put into jail!'

The sarcasm that must have come out of this dried out old cunt. We get it, you're above the law - fuck off.

When you're 90 and in a wheelchair you should get a pass.

How can we make Louis CK's sex abuse get more media attention? We can't let him get away with it.

Just like the dipshit asian broad who was mad at David Cross this just further solidifies the known fact that women have no sense of humor.

They're coming after everyone, except Puerto Ricans and black guys. They're all known to be absolutely chivalrous when around pretty women.

"....hand dig into my flesh.." that's a fucking reporter making that shit up

She got off lucky. His favorite could have been Chris Afingerinyourcunt.

Based off of the picture, this hero and former leader of the free world was probably embarrassed he couldn't raise his arms higher than his wheelchair, and made a joke to save face. His digging into her with his hand was his attempt to save his arm from flopping on the ground like a useless noodle.

Barb seems like fun, too!

I think Jim is actually Bush's son. He told him this trick shortly after telling him about asking to smell a girl's breath to kiss her.

George HW Bush is an ass grabber? What's next? You going to tell me the holocaust really happened?

His dick most likely doesn't work anymore. It's not even a sexual act.