What the fuck is happening to this planet? My spine hurts from cringing so hard.

51  2017-10-26 by Dawgsie


So "big city retards" is now scientifically proven.

Half the world's population lives in cities. 50% of people voted for Hillary Clinton. My god, I think you're onto something!

50% of voters.

All those who didn't vote are probably smart and would've probably voted Jeb!

Not to get too technical but 81% of Americans live in urban areas & less than 20% live in rural areas.

Video linked by /u/Opesterino:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Doug - Bangin' on a Trash Can (Think Big) Mad Warren 2015-07-13 0:01:33 686+ (98%) 101,484

Doug is an American animated sitcom created by Jim...

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The fact that Patton thinks he’s “super woke” and he only started thinking about the white-as-normal aspect of speech shows he is a complete fucking dunce. This is the type of thing that makes 19 year olds in sociology 101 think they have the world figured out and yet this wannabe leftist pundit only figured it out at age 50.

To be fair, they started making most of this stuff up after Patton was indoctrinated.

Why does anyone want to be "default"? What happened to celebrating difference and wanting to stand out in the crowd?

White people are so boring!

Quit stealing people's culture whitey!

Which is it faggots? I can't do both.

They hate us cause they ain't us

"Grrrrr" ~ Some fat nigger.

Why is adam pissed? That patton didn't mention the colour of the white guy? Why is that bad?

Because to these children, even mentioning someone is black in a story is super oppressive racism.

This is scary. I liked it better when they were grabbing KFC bags out of white people's hands.

I liked it better when they were all chucking spears in Africa.

When you say "cowboy" anyone with any sense of history knows they were 99% white, and continue to be. It doesn't need a "race qualifier" in a story.

There was an episode of Race Wars a couple years ago where Sherrod freaked out about black cowboys and how in the old west they were actually 75% of all the cattle drivers, but it's just another white-washed piece of history. After 15 minutes of arguing (Cleopatra level) they checked into it... there were actually only something like two black cowboys ever. Then it turned into "that's the white man's history!!!"

Sorry for the aside, Sherrod just sucks.

Some guy actually tweeted "cowboys are known to be white...if I said rapper you would assume he's black"

A response was that study

This has to be a joke, right? There is no way this is a serious conversation two adults had.


I hate this smug bastard so much.

Patton is just pandering to the needy, and the whiny, while plotting his next murder.

He has bigger things going on.

LMAO at the libtard saying "This is how adults act" in the reply to the apology. WTF is he even apologizing for?

This is how children act and it is why Trump is the fucking president.

That response is the epitome of why I am thrilled with the collapse of Hollywood, media, and entertainment in general. Fuck these comfortable losers bitching and nitpicking like a bunch of faggots.

This is how Progressive Adults act. Everyone in the world has agency and history except themselves. It's a maddening prison of apologies and incessant self-examination until nothing left of the person exists.

I wonder what Anthony's dad would think about all this.


North Korea, Russia and Iran can't start nuking us fast enough.

If people are gonna use their comedy to wake up the public, do it like Patrice or shut up

tfw you are a "guy"

i love this privilege and take advantage of it every single day and opportunity i can

These leftists WANT us to hate them, right? They WANT to hen peck everyone into just giving up and hating them. That has to be it - right?

Anything that enables them to be victims.

They're turning themselves into victims fairly effectively. Nothing like paranoia and misery to ruin your life, and they won't get their way politically as long as they behave like this.

You know what you need to do. The world needs men of action with the power to do what is necessary. True patriots like you. Take up arms, like your forefathers. Youll be a hero.

They turned on David Cross in the blink of an eye, they'll turn on you as well Patton eventually.

He is a spitting image of Bobo in that Twitter avatar.

Can we add "allies" to the list of "words to be beheaded for using" list?

Trump will win 2020 by 400+ electoral voted

I hope it's 1 electoral vote so they all riot and get tased/batoned by police until they act like civilized people again.

"Round" black guy? Jesus christ dude, you're fat. I'm fat. We're all fat. Stop it with the euphemisms. They're getting out of control.

Does anybody think it is possible to trick Patton Oswalt into doing an AMA on this sub?

This sub? No. Start some bullshit sub called r/minoritiesagainsttrump and he will get keyboard burn from logging in so fast

That nigger is being a faggot

Glad he didn't get mad at Patton's "I love killing fat whiny bitches"

How many cowboys are black and indian? I would de-friend this fat dunce.

But white people are the default demographic in western countries. It's just numerically accurate to assume any hypothetical "guy" in a joke is white, the same if you were in Japan and an Asian guy told you a joke, you would picture it with Asian characters.

sorry, but when a white millionare can get fired for just saying a word, you ain't living in a white-power oppressive society.

That fat nigger has no idea who he's fucking with.

never once did he say the race of the cowboy... white is the default

  1. Why are you assuming the cowboys race is white? That is on you.

2.You are assuming he's white because most cowboys are white. Dummy.

yeah i'm sure every black guy calls his best friend "my black best friend." these monumental faggots.

So "big city retards" is now scientifically proven.