100% Italian with 'Joe Matarese' 014 // SHRINK

109  2017-10-26 by porsalin


Back from the dead?!

Fawwwk yeah

"Left-handed swordsman" is my new favourite term for homos.

Need one with Joe talking to a detective assigned to his criminal bullying allegations.

"The Authorities"

"Cyber Police"

Detective Opie 'Big Tits' Hughes, bullying expert, is on the case

That's Dr. Melfi from the Soprano's right?

Yeeeaaahuh, thw Sopraaaaanos, the best show on television. Heeey, you wanna hear my Gandolfini for 5 dollars?

He stole that impression from that guy who came on O&A a few times right before and after gandolfinis death, and he does it much worse


"its a vury difficult situaation"

I cant believe I listened to the whole thing, I got into it.

100% Italian is the best thing on this subreddit since the term Greggshells first began.

But I'm not a pedophile?

I considered it very heavily. But Greggshells and 100% Italian took creativity. The Joe Cumia saga/people's court episode exists only because we got lucky and he's an indescribably stupid man. even though we pushed hard in the right direction, it was Joe himself who's to blame.

If we're only talking about things created from the sub, I'd like to give special mentions to the guys who crudely drew Anthony. Especially the one where Ant is on the scary kids book.

Whatever happened with wigger rich?

Sophomore slump.

What happened to Gary Cooper?

The strong, silent type

Wasn't he gay?

i find myself randomly doing impressions of you doing an impression of Joe Matarese, but it always comes out like I'm doing a shitty Jack Nicholson impersonation

haha me too

How does your video get any dislikes? Not everyone has to think these videos are great, but I don't see how anyone can say it's bad. It has to be Matarese with a bunch of fake accounts.

Clearly members of a HATE BOARD

I always thought of it as a hacky Ray Liotta

Why do you people promote this and give this shit YouTube views?

Because it infuriates the real Joe Matarese?

Your britishness came through when you said "in hospital". Americans don't say that.

But otherwise it's spot on, right?

You'll be in heaps and heaps of trouble from Joe this time!

He's gonna get me 'done'

This is getting bad, on the rare occasion I hear the other Joe, he sounds less matarese (ha, auto correct wants to change matarese to retarded) than our matarese.

Vegetarian. Lol

"I'm rattling over here!"

When's Joe gonna have Chip on the show?

"He said it made his guitar playing more aerodynamic"

This guy is hysterical!

I am a huge Joe Magazine fan.

I love how you're treating this like a soap opera with a continuing storyline and cliff hangers! Bravo maestro!

I had to catch up on back episodes, and listened to Patrice before Vos and was wondering about the "dead" angle.

Fuck me, these things are linear now.