We're losing our best men

0  2017-10-26 by koizumi_san


I'm pretty sure they're all the same dude.

Aren't we all?

We're gonna lose porsalin too after Matarese gets "The Authorities" on his trail.

Fuck em. Bunch of self important losers.

Is it possible that we have an 'Atlas Shrugged' type situation going on?

ive always hoped for a Usual Suspects ending; idk who the Kayzer Sose would be

You think you can catch Killa Kuhn? You think a guy like that comes this close to getting caught, and sticks his head out? If he comes up for anything it'll be to steal a Vizio and kill his child. After that... my guess is you'll never hear from him again.


That "dickbag" guy vanished suddenly, with his Twitter, Youtube, and Reddit account going down. Weird stuff. It was after he was accusing Anthony of being a pedo so I figured ant might've threatened him legally and he panicked. Who knows.

Was prepared to make a dent, then saw they all have 10k karma at minimum. I'll take my ball and go home