Jim Jefferies getting called out by Salon

133  2017-10-26 by BonerFartAutismLord


Comedian Jim Jefferies, host of Comedy Central's "Jim Jefferies Show" and outspoken Donald Trump critic has a scandalous history of anti-women jokes.

Liberals are the worst.


Thanks for the imager link, we should never be giving clicks to those femitramps at salon.

Same here. I'll never give that leftist entrapment the grace of a single click.

Solid bait.

let them fight each other. it's a great spectacle.

Good. Fuck him and his stupid accent.

It's a speech impediment.

schpeech impediment


Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This portmanteau was created from the phrase 'schpeech impediment'.


The second he apologised, they pounced.

Don't fail society wide shit tests

He does do a perfect Cliff Clavin though.

Haha eat your own. Yum

Well that was fast.

Video linked by /u/PassProtect15:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Scandalous! codestrikenet 2009-02-28 0:00:08 406+ (96%) 173,793

$quote Copyright goes to Disney Channel all Rights Reserved. ...

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Recess is fucking GAY sir and this is a place for FAGGOTS. Stay between the lines next time.

self-righteousness is the worst addiction.

Feed the flames and send clips from his appearances on O&A

Remember when he was drunk and that soft-core porn chick was on?

Jim: I would it your poor

Idiot: oooh that sounds lovely

Jim: not for you, I'd cut it out with a knife

Then a room full of creepy men laughed at her. That is essentially her "metoo" story. Fuck phony Jim

Shouldn't people be focusing on the fact that this man is afraid of bananas?

Bananas are an ethnic fruit. I bet you eat the green.


I'd rather focus on the fact that Rich Vos will be playing Bananas

Got me. Well played.

No Italian restaurants?

Movin up in the world.


The left are eating their own

It's beautiful, even Degrasse Tyson is being accused of rape!

It really is fantastic.

I watch a left wing news program on youtube called The Real News. It's pretty good when it comes to discussing international issues, but when it comes to domestic politics their pool of talking heads is limited to absolute crazies like antifa goons. Right now, as far as I can tell, black people are turning on the democrats en masse because of this new russia-facebook story. The Dems are trying to say that BLM is a puppet for the Kremlin to sow disunity among us; or at least that's how the black activists have decided to interpret it. Today I've seen a bunch of calls to abandon the Democratic party from those shrill BLM ladies because they feel delegitimized or something.

I mean he is a nigger

But would he even rape a black woman?

He said rape not beastiality

wait really?

The blogger who accused him is a far right wing lunatic.

Is Neil even on the left? He seems to be all muh science and that doesnt bode well for the far left.

That's why pandering to these cunts never works, it's never enough. I was thinking the other day that his attempted threesome story with the mystery big name "rapey" comic that he wouldn't name would be the one they use to fuck him over.



Imagine if Salon got the story he told on O&A about him having a genital wart frozen off and telling a girl they should wait to have sex. Convinced her he want just looking for sex and banged her as soon as the wart was gone.

Amazing story that I’m sure some feminists would cry rape at.

And yet is CA it is legal to have AIDS and fuck someone without telling them.

That whole faggot state has AIDS. If rocketman nuked Los Angeles I'd put up a fucking shrine in my closet

Make sure you have enough space for the shrine and to continue living in there.

Yuck. Do you actually adopt new Trump terms? How people can still be into this politics-as-sports teams thing is beyond me

So would I and I live there

Reddit is dum, "Fans" even managed to downdoot xD this comment:


On the latest Chip meets Leddit video

liberals are (according to them) living under the most illiberal regime in American history, so you would think they would have every incentive to work together and not seek to destroy eachother.

I mean, what is salon trying to accomplish? Do they think Jeffries is some kind of crypto-fascist planted by Trump? Do they think he’s somehow their enemy? Why? Just because he toes the party line 99% instead of 100%?

Don’t get me wrong, I despise both Jeffries and Salon. I would be glad to see either of them destroyed just as I would be glad to see the Democrats lose in 2020. But it’s so disgusting how they treat each other.

Reddit: 60% of people only read the title.

Hot shit, got em so good that half the comments here are still about Jeffries. Well played.

I expect a teary apology from this weak fuck.

They eat their own. The Left has never seem to realize that perfect is the enemy of good.

"Outspoken Trump critic"

How brave.

Was going to be lazy and skim through the comments for context clues because I didn't feel like reading… Decided against it because fuck it. If I had looked at the comments, I would have never known it was a Vos-roll

You have to be against them forever. If you take their side, they see it as weakness and dig through your past for something to break you with.

Mother fucker

One thing sell outs like Louie and Jefferies have found out is that liberals eat their own.

this guy always had Dave Smith levels of on air presence. I somehow tuned out his voice whenever I heard him, can't hate something I have no memory of.

He has a history of anti-women because his entire act is old joke book jokes that he has altered subtly. He is the worst kind of hack, but he is under everyones radar.

You bastard

"The reason I couldn't be gay, is 'cause I could never fuck a man... 'Cause I could never fuck something I respect."

I'm almost starting to think that you can't win trying to please this crow. Almost.

Oh you cunt

It warms my heart when libs start eating their own.

I only read Saloon, the magazine for rustlers, varmints and hired guns of all stripes

"Anti women."

Yes, let them cannibalize their own. It's glorious!!!


That whole faggot state has AIDS. If rocketman nuked Los Angeles I'd put up a fucking shrine in my closet