Wouldn't it be funnier for everybody to pretend to love Materese.

6  2017-10-26 by Bozdeep

He won't get the sarcasm and once we lift him up, we just let him fall again.


Nice try Joe.

No its just 4D chess to troll him harder. He already expects hate.

we can ironicaly lift him up only so much.

he must provide something at least note worthy that we could work with.

I am not sure he is able to do that.

shout out to The Monumental Waste Of Time Podcast - https://www.facebook.com/MonumeWasteOfTime/videos/vb.938463992957442/1078678072269366/?type=2&theater

the hosts of the show should get honorary Oscars, for their portrayal of dolts that would love Matarese's "remember Louis CK material from 10 years ago? I got this crrraaazzzyyy angle on it" material

I like it

You cant like Joe even as a pretend joke.

Someone with this little funny and charm deserves nothing but loathing and disdain.