If Jimmy has to constantly make sure that Lauren/the new producer is comfortable after a podacast, then they do not belong in the room

52  2017-10-26 by Single_Action_Army

Worst case scenario, women in comedy entertainment are wet blankets and lie about you stare-raping them. Best-case, they roll with the jokes, provide nothing, and have to constantly be checked that their feelings aren't hurt.
We make fun of Ant here, but he can take a fucking BEATING (short of Sue Lightning talk) and laugh it all off, which has made marvellous audio over the years. If you have to censor yourself because someone's little vagina's gonna get all sand-filled after you make a killer line, then fuck them. They're the exact "piss mist" thing Ant and Jim hated about Opie.
If you're browsing this sub, you're probably untalented, autistic, and gay, but you at least have thick enough skin to joke about all kinds of nasty shit. I don't see how there are all these people in entertainment, women and men, if they dampen humor potential by not being able to take a joke.
The Chip Podacast should just stick with the cooter in a dunce cap and some female guests. No woman I've seen can take the beating that Ant and Jimmy take and give.


Anything else you want to share with the class?

u/deanthecleanmachine is a peckah sucka

me? except that one time, no neva

Let me know when you're ready to try again.

this is between single action and I you commie fuck

the ADVICE show

Jimmy should be scared.

I don't know the origin, i don't think it was here, but somehow i know this place really carried the water over the seemingly true allegations of louis ck locking girls in rooms and jerking off to their fear

Oh fuck off.

And die.

He didn't say he would constantly ask if she was ok. When it was particularly brutal, or more sexual in nature, that's when he would ask if she was ok.

Shouldn't even have to do that imo

Does he really need a woman in there anyway? Podcast works great with Anthony and may be another interjecting once in a bit.

Already a woman there anyhow.

This is exactly how I fucking feel. He's going to ruin podcast after podcast in search of the next hole when all he needs is Ant and random bitches to make fun of. The best one is the one with XPac where you can tell he just doesn't care at all and Sam just instigates it forward and is the perfect straight man.

If you're browsing this sub, you're probably untalented, autistic, and gay,

I'm only one of those things thank you very much.

You're at least two. Probably all three.

Thats the same joke, dickweed.

You're giving yourself too much credit

here is the thing folks. we already know what kind of creep norton is, but this is almost on a whole different level. as others have pointed out, he has an obsession of "hiring" young women to work around him. All his comedy specials and tours, the "producers for the podcast, his thing with porn chicks on the radio.

its either, after years of paying escorts for sex he thinks its the only way for him to interact with women or its a really predatory move on his part. either way its terribly disturbing. besides the fact non of them are funny

No way, man. Chelsea Handler, Amy Schumer, Chelsea Paretti, they're all such naturally funny, attractive women who make good company.

But Jim's gay. The chippah could make the same, that's my gf jokes to a guy

Go awwn nawh!

because someone's little vagina's gonna get all sand-filled

You mean pebble-filled.

She didn’t know a fucking thing about the show. Hadn’t even watched an episode of the number one show on the network before she walks in.

This last one was a Tinder match for Jim. No way she thought she was there for a job.

I was recently listening to Bill Burr talking about how mean/funny Patrice was (https://youtu.be/Xl0O3ImFTM8?t=162) and the other 2 "comics" (not sure who they were) just could not relate.

The one guy kept saying how he's never had any experiences like that (of people being funny?) as Bill kept remembering more fun times, and the girl just kept going "oh no" or "oh my god, that sounds terrible" like she would never even imagine actually being funny for real without getting offended at everything. Maybe the times have changed.

I hope Christine comes back. It's rare to find a girl that can sit in a room with Ant and Jim without ruining the conversation.

I'm a fan of that frog-jawed bitch