I have immense dislike for this guy.

51  2017-10-25 by A_Friendly_Creeper


This is an alpha male according to (((those))) in control. You ever see those verizon commercials? Vile.

I'm posting this here because my mo...girlfriend is tired of me complaining to her.

Where was he presented as such?

Calm down

if you have to ask you'll never know

When has he ever been depicted as an alpha male? He's always shown as an awkward nerdy type who doesn't know anything about sports in his commercials.

also if you look at his interviews on Conan he's way more like someone here than how he is portrayed in tv roles.

Feminism has succeeded. Just LOOK at this.... doormat

Relax, he always plays nerds.

Was Urkel a result of feminism, too?

No. He was the only beta male "hero" at the time. Now thats the cool thing to do in hollywood

plus urkel was just a character. taping ended and he went back to being jaleel white.

this loser is just playing himself in EVERY role he's ever had.

Even Urkel's advances towards the neighbor girl would surely have him labelled as an arch villain-tier sexual predator by today's standards.



Don't blame women for this one - he's a loser fag on his own.

Yes but without cunts proping these pussies up this fucker would be a re-enactment actor playing the boyfriend to a chick who got murdered.

You may be right.


I don't know him, but he looks like a fag.

Silicon Valley on HBO and a ton of Verizon commercials like this:


Only retards watch commercials.

Seeing this reminds me how well Odell's season is going.

That's the best part!

I hope at&t hire a hitman and take this cunt out

I hope it's Paul from Sprint

I hope you die too for knowing his name

I had to google it.

You're still a horrible person for this.

It's even worse that you went out of your way to Google it

How 'bout Dante from Verizon? Or is he over at Time Warner now?

I love that TJ Miller left Silicon valley b/c kumail nanjiani and this douche weren't liberal enough for him...

He said they didn’t donate enough money to her campaign... she lost with a billion dollars

Money wasn't the problem which these idiots failed to identify.

They think throwing money at problems will fix them. If only Hillary had spent another billion dollars she might have eked out a win.

Another great career move.

Autistic Ichabod Crane lookin' faggot

Ooooh look at me, I'm so weird and awkward!

But, it's cool to be a geeky, low-testosterone, high-snark worm of a man.

In Canada

I don't know guys, he seems pretty cool.


Video linked by /u/Blink-Blink:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
The Opie & Anthony Show - Patrice vs. Workaholics EmXtraMoney 2014-12-16 0:04:01 149+ (62%) 31,630

$quote Patrice O'neal speaking on being interviewed at the...

Info | /u/Blink-Blink can delete | v2.0.0

Anders had way more of a career than Patrice ever did. plus it was found out that the Workaholics weren't trying to act cool but were like super intimated by being around so many amazing comics. like this was their first time interacting with like all those celebrities.

Oh fuck you, Patrice had the career he wanted, they begged his ass to roast on comedy central, he said no until he felt like it because of Sheen.

I get it, but he's fucking funny on the CBB podcast. Filthy.

Check out his Bill Maher appearance for more hate fuel.

He's like the Al Jolson of autism.

All shucking and jiving in that commercial.

ooohoo, look at me and how much I can't make eye contact! I'm gonna turn sideways while my chest is still facing the person I'm talking to. oops, I dropped the mic, better try to pick it up. oh no it's got feedback now.

He manages to be the most one dimensional person on a show where he's the main character.

You know who else I don't like? Chris Parnell. He also always just plays a boring everyman.

Dr. Spaceman was funny.

It's embarrassing. White guys just get nerdier and more awkward, yet we're called misogynist pigs for saying "dude" and sitting the wrong way on a bus.

he's been on comedy bang bang, and was unironically funny, but i've hated every fiber of his being in the last two years or so

Hey gets more and more hate-able after every Verizon commercial

I have no idea who he is or what he's done but just by his physical appearance I hundred percent agree with you.

I want to genocide so much of the millennial generation.

He's got a real wonky eye. He's practically a white Forest Whitaker. At least FW is a good actor with a shred of masculinity, though.


Why? He made functioning-autism fashionable

I love that tv show, but seem to hate everyone outside of it

I like him doing this thing from Silicon Valley.


the show silicon valley is great because Mike Judge is great

I like the show. I dislike several of the actors

I haven't watched it in a while and It may be kind of stale now, but that one bit they had about the logistics of jerking dicks off was pretty funny.

He is great. You know that actors are just performing, right?

I have absolutely no idea who that is, and I intend to keep it that way.

Ditto, I'll stop reading to figure it out.

No he's really funny and funny people often look weird and awkward.

Can't watch Silicon Valley anymore because of him....can't stand the dude, the character, all of it....don't care if they succeed or not.


His stereotypical Chinese voice is pretty funny I think. I never seen Silicon Valley though.
