Request : Stalker Patti Dewigging aftermath.

4  2017-10-25 by dannoomg

When they talked about it the next day and Ant and Jim starting making Godfather references about it pissing off callers. It was on youtube once but I can't find it.

Also, I'm a huge tool.


It used to be on youtube in parts titled 'The Wigfather', I can't find it either, so help a brother out.

If I remember correctly the entire wigfather saga was wiped from YouTube like 5-10 years ago, it was the most ruthless shit I've ever heard. Opie was the ringleader and if we had the audio now, both opie and Anthony could have gotten fired from it. The cake stomp would have been chump change compared to this. Last time I heard it was from a site called Teds O&A emporium, but that site has been defunct for awhile.

Some of the streamers here probably have a copy somewhere.

Thank you very much. May Allah bless you.