How do you guys deal with Opie type narcissists in real life?

4  2017-10-25 by disawayisthrows


Do you just attack their insecurities and never let up until they crack? Or what?

Arguing with them is fucking impossible because they use the weirdest mental mind games.


politely agree with them. like when a dog bites into your arm, don't pull back, push forward.

Yeah but then they start to convince themselves that they're always 100% right.

Shouldn't you just beat the truth into their head until they get the point?

I'm sorry, "agree" might be the wrong term. if you disagree with them, keep it to the point. don't play any head games what so ever. transparency and honesty delivered politely can be effective.

Stop interacting with them, like most people have done with Opie.

What if you have to work for them?

Praise them or tell them they aint shit. Depends on whether i feel like getting my ass beat

A bullet to the brain sorts it right out.

My mother is a complete narcissist. I’ve cut her out almost completely from my life, except to see the grandkids. Cut them out like cancer.

One them is my sister. Can't seem to blame herself for her two failed marriage and common law relationships, the estrangement of her longtime friends and the fact that me and my other sister have told her that we don't like her. Worst part is that during arguments she will either look away at her phone when being confronted or will give an insincere apology or admittance of fault just to end the argument.

I just recently graduated from college so when I finally get a house, I'm just not gonna talk to her. Problem solved.