Reminder that Anthony and Jimmy were extremely pro Iraq war.

0  2017-10-25 by axeheadroad

Now they blame Hilldog and Obamby.


deep inhale

Yeah thats a tough one man

deep inhale

Through the nose with (alleged) chin up.

Ant is just a cheerleader for the red team.

I doubt Ants a commie.

Oh literal me.

He, like most of these middle class Goombas from the area aren't traditional Republicans though. He leans left on many issues that would get him railroaded in the traditional bible belt areas of the country. These guys vote Republican mainly out of spite for the nanny state and third world parasites and their diaspora, never failing to realize that the Anglo-Judeo country club crowd would clean their hands with hand sanitizer if they had to meet and greet eachother.

There was tons of bullshit being fed to the public back then by the administration...

They are part of the media.

For a comedy show. Their political views were usually the least interesting part of the show.

I agree, but I'm a libcucktard who loves the show regardless of what's being said.

The majority of this sub cannot set aside their political views, posters have turned on many of their favorite comics because their politics don't align.

This sub is so blindly hypocritical.

Jim's political views are so retarded. On the show like 2 days ago, Sam was insisting on getting Chic-Fil-A for Jim to eat. And Jim kept refusing. And then he mumbled something about how he won't support Chic-Fil-A because the owner is anti-gay marriage. Nobody stuck to that retarded boycott of Chic-Fil-A. He takes the dumbest stances on almost every issue.

I checked and that Chic-Fil-A story came out 5yrs ago (2012). The company stopped supporting anti-gay marriage organizations a couple yrs ago too:

Chick-fil-A released a statement in July 2012 stating, "Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena."[1] In March 2014, tax filings for 2012 showed the group stopped funding all but one organization which had been previously criticized.[2]

It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!


Sorry I meant "no chicks with dick fila"

Jimmy is a fucking queer.

They're baby boy chickenhawks. At least Anthony admits he's a pussy and will cop to making errors over his political ideology. Jimmy, like the low T reactive woman he is, runs on pure emotion and outrage.

So? They are idiot radio shock jocks with zero access to any government intelligence. Of course they are misguided and wrong.

Disgusting going back and seeing how ready they were to go to war. Two of the biggest pussies acting tough.

I doubt Ants a commie.

Oh literal me.


For a comedy show. Their political views were usually the least interesting part of the show.

He, like most of these middle class Goombas from the area aren't traditional Republicans though. He leans left on many issues that would get him railroaded in the traditional bible belt areas of the country. These guys vote Republican mainly out of spite for the nanny state and third world parasites and their diaspora, never failing to realize that the Anglo-Judeo country club crowd would clean their hands with hand sanitizer if they had to meet and greet eachother.

Sorry I meant "no chicks with dick fila"