HBO: Anyone watch The Deuce?

15  2017-10-24 by crookedmile

Outside of all the cock and Maggie Gyllenhaal's orangutan titties, it's surprisingly a good show. Even Franco's punchable face doesn't ruin it.


It’s the same thing to me as Vinyl was. Looks cool but I’m bored

This has more pornography and whore beatings than Vinyl, so a check in the plus column for me.

Same set pieces re-used from the Vinyl production.

Does the show REALLY need a twin gimmick? Jesus Christ. It worked in The Prestige only because it was revealed at the very end.

This TV series gives me hives.

And, yeah, "Tunnel Jobs" weren't a thing

It’s ok

Too much dick. James Franco characters are so progressive. No Italian guys from Brooklyn would be that accepting of gays. Also there is a shitty scene where James Franco and the franuk bartender are talking about trannys and they are educating us on pro nouns again. Overall better than "Vinyl" and "I'm dying up Here", but still shitty left wing propaganda.

Oh, shit, I forgot about that shit comic fantasy show. They really are the same show three times.

I have to admit Vinyl is the most believable of the trilogy. Yeah, they're so similar there should be a box set trilogy released next year.

Whose dick did Jake Gyllenhal have to take in his ass to get his ugly ass sister all of these roles?


Best show of the year for me. It's going to be slow and short (I think it winds up being 24 episodes spread over 3 seasons), but I think it will be remembered well.

I'm just happy that a good, gritty, period crime show is getting made. Ray Donovan has been meh this year, and I had high hopes for Quarry, but it got cancelled.

No, but I’ve dropped a bunch.

Tssss - fawk this guy is good!

I like the show but I'm with Patrice on this one, Maggie Gyllenhaal's lack of attractiveness is the biggest suspension of disbelief I have. That said, she does have the look of a worn out street walker.

That said, she does have the look of a worn out street walker.

So where does the suspension of disbelief come in? She's supposed to be a grizzled old hooker.

She's a solid actress, and this is a perfectly believable role for her. However, the part she was truly born to play is the starring role in the Sandy Kane biopic.

I'd go to the theater for that one.

Twatto: An Epic Journey

Every episode there are like five guys who act like she's the hottest thing alive before they pay her to fuck. That's the part where I always roll my eyes.

That’s what ruined that first Batman movie where she played the same part that Kim basinger had played before. Ridiculous

I feel like it's Boogie Nights if it was 8 hours long, 20 years after it was hip to rip off Goodfellas, and not as funny.

The scene where Maggie Gyllenhaal started directing the porn scene had my fawkin pecka at full attention.

I'd watch it if Maggie Gyllenhaal wasn't in it. When it comes to Jewish nepotism, I can only suspend so much disbelief.

I think shes cute in donnie darko

"I just shot a nigger....come get him."

maggie jizz n balls fawk yeah

James Franco sucks.

Dudes really like to pile on Maggie G. Her lack of off-the-charts, scorching hotness really offends them. I remember when Dark Knight came out and all these fanboy slobs were disparaging her. That was a rich moment for preposterousness. Beauty may be subjective but acting talent is not, and this lady has it to spare, as she proves again in the altogether fine show The Deuce. She was also great in a miniseries called The Honourable Woman.

Not a bad show. But I watched it a week ago and it took me 15 seconds to remember I knew what you were referring to. Not very memorable it seems