Not a parent yet but...

8  2017-10-24 by unclepaul84

...l can already picture date nights with the lady. It will start with plans for an exciting night. By the time we get our shitty Italian entrees we will be falling asleep into the plate! When deserts come we will be talking about how much we miss the kids and need to get home! An hour later we are home and drinking boxed wine and raiding the medicine cabinet...talking about how hard parenting is...but at least we're cool parents! Haha can't wait! Only parents understand!


I'd love to be able to use "we just can't find a sitter" as a an excuse for things.

I hope your litter bearer gets postpartum depression and drowns your loin pups. Peace. Out.

A good reminder for life insurance. Gotta recoup those expenses.

Well I don't go to shitty Italian restaurants thank you, i waited till i started doing well for myself before i started a family (in the process right now). I'll take the scenario you mentioned anyday then dying the slow lonely death of isolated obesity. I know women are insufferable but don't be a meninist.

The kids are fine at home chained to their beds like retards

Dinner fed, Homework done, teeth brushed and they get to play on their tablets for 30 minutes until my 100 mg of benadryl kicks in. The life of a single mother

Do you take it in the shitter? If so, you seem like a dream come true!

My brother has had three kids in 7 years.

I've watched him go from a laid back funny guy to a nervous wreck who can't take a joke. Fuckin sad times. His wife's a cunt too which I'm sure doesn't help.

you need to get a Vizio Soundbar for the family.