This season of Curb Your Enthusiasm has been one of the best comedies in years

55  2017-10-24 by Ant_Sucks

So far he's gone after Muslims, lesbians, women, children and the disabled. All the deserving groups. He's on fire.


The pickle jar absurdity is my favorite part with the terrorist mix up at the funeral a close second.

Everyone wants to be a pickle jar hero

Yeah its weirdly getting mixed reviews but its the only comedy I watch at the moment

The bad reviews are by the people who think the butch lesbian would be a stunning bride.

Agreed. Watching the Elizabeth Banks episode and laughing a lot, I kept thinking 'how the fuck are the reviews for this season so bad?'

Ehhhh I'm not getting bride vibes from you

Vice Principals is also good

fuck yea danny mcbride is the best

I bet she smells like fucked buttholes.

Vice Principals is the best fucking comedy on TV right now. Everything Jody Hill does is pretty boss.

wrong!! lol jk. I'd say vice principals is definitely second place. im loving this season. and yeah Jody Hill is great and I hope HBO keeps giving Danny and his boys what they want. but as Josh said in a different reply, check out Nathan For You if you haven't. and if you have and didn't think it was the best, watch it again dammit. his humor is so specific and stupid but ive gotten belly laughs from everyone I've shown it to.

And Nathan for you

I loved the previous seasons and was hyped for it but I watched the first episode and didn't even chuckle once. I wanted to but it was pretty disappointing to be honest.

Perhaps the same formula over and over is starting to get tired out? I also think it just doesn't pack nearly the shock value or rawness that it once did. Larry could pull down his pants and take a shit a dinner party on the table and it wouldn't even slightly phase an audience in 2017.

The only negative reviews will be from angry feminists that think everything should be Wonder Woman

I liked his interactions with his therapist last week. Good stuff.

Pete Davidson can be heard yelling Show me the money!!!

He has a serious addiction he's dealing with at the moment.

Let me know when he goes after the kikes.

(Seriously though it's been average to fair. Nothing special.)

He's gone after Jews lots of times. Remember the Palestinian restaurant, where he banged the Jew hater, and sort of took her side. There was another episode where he got into a big argument with a guy who got all Jewey on him for whistling Wagner.

I care less what that balding, avuncular Jew 'goes after' and care more about him being funny. New series isn't that good.

Look at this fag using the words avuncular and albinoid unironically. Is there such a thing as a hate nerd?

'Balding, avuncular Jew' is a quote from Curb and 'Evil Albinoid' is a quote from this black supremacist youtube girl who thinks whites were created by Yaqub.

So actually both were used with irony you AIDS ridden faggot.

Ok. Race-obsessed hipster then. Much better?

'Evil Albinoid' is a quote from this black supremacist youtube girl who thinks whites were created by Yaqub.

That's the most hate nerd shit I've ever heard lmao

fucking dork

Excuse me, are you Jewish? You wanna check my penis? always made me laugh

Lol and then he still Marty's yamica.

"Fuck me you Jew bastard"

The entire show is based around Jewish stereotypes you fucking unobservant twat.

How is it not clear from the original comment that I was kidding? Was it the use of the word 'kike' that you missed or me explicitly saying 'seriously though'?

Which part did you miss?

Your powers of sarcasm are shite. Fuck off.

Was it the use of the word 'kike'

No that part only made me think you were being too serious.

I wanna watch the previous seasons but there's no seeders.

Someone on /r/megalinks just posted a bunch.

eh u da real mvp brothaman

If you have Amazon prime them shits is free.

Isnt it HBO?

Amazon bought the rights to show a bunch of older HBO stuff before HBOgo started, mostly series. The Wire, Oz Deadwood, Sopranos, Boardwalk, Treme, Curbed, they're all on there.

Curb this season is pretty good, the 3 episode was the only one that felt slapped together, and not up to usual quality.

Amazon said my package would arrive in four days but it arrived in five.

I'm just gonna torrent it. They ain't getting my business. No sir.

if you're canadian you can get CraveTV which has it. they're so desperate for subscribers i got 3 months free.

if you're not canadian then enjoy your freedom. or similar slavery, depending.

I'm sorry that you're Canadian.


Prime gets you two days guaranteed, boy. None of that 4-5 day bullsugar.

WTF? I didn't know that.

I tried to purchase HBO GO and those cunts said I needed to buy an Apple TV

That's not true. You just need some device to watch it on.

There's dozens of streaming sites with it. Torrents in general seem to be on the decline

Torrents in general seem to be on the decline

duuuuuuudeeee you're so swarmy. Torrents arent on the decline because of the bandwith

"While still massively popular today to the tune of scores of millions of daily users, torrent consumption has been tempered in recent years by the rise of streaming platforms. These sites, with their glossy indexes and YouTube-like interfaces, grant easy access to a wide range of movies and TV shows, almost as quickly as their torrent counterparts."


Episode 3 was fucking awful. No true Curb fan could stick up it and I'll just assume Larry had a stroke while writing it.

I thought all hope was lost but ep 4 was brilliant. The Richard Lewis storyline was classic Curb. Two pompous old dicks arguing over something trivial but acting as if it meant the world to them.

The first three episodes of this revival I thought were pretty decent, though not on par with the best seasons. The last episode was a real breakthrough, vintage Curb through and through. Hopefully the momentum continues to build. Even if the show stunk I could always watch LD. Everything he says or does is amusing to some degree. He's a far superior on-screen presence than Jerry.

I love when Ted Danson randomly says "He's a weird man" when Larry walks away. He really is a strange human being.

Jerry was the worst part of Seinfeld

He's a far superior on-screen presence than Jerry.

You're also comparing 2000's HBO vs 90's NBC restrictions (or lack there of)

You know, he needs a show on Sirius, really

Larry gives me hope that great tv writing isnt completely dead. I try to imagine the mush thats in people's brains to give the recent seasons of game of thrones high praise but overlook this show. Good writing IS possible.

Hats off to Larry David. He's goofing on groups people think are sacrosanct in 2017. Also, I really wanted to use that word.

Was it your word of the day?!


Oh I, uh, "conquer."

Word of the day calendar.

Is your word of the calendar for people with downs?

Is that like short for SAMCRO sanctuary or sumptin? tss tss

One of the only truly funny shows on TV, amazing how it's stayed quality after 8 seasons.

Pretty good. Pretty pretty good.

The Elizabeth Banks story STUNK, she should've never been involved. Not that the concept of women wanting to bang you because people want to kill you isn't funny, it just could've been done better and WITHOUT her.

Also: How rich is Jeff in that show? He had to buy a house WITH AN ELEVATOR just to get Susie to not suspect him.

10% of Larry is a lot of money.

Jeff fucking the hot real estate woman was very unrealistic because he's a fat ugly man. There was no indication of what the woman was getting from the relationship.

I think Susie knew what he was up to and used it against him.

The side story was funny though just to see Larry and Jeff being lecherous cunts.

Larry hired a prostitute he befriended to bang his friends nephew, only to have them chased out of the house while he was still inside her, by a big black guy who thought they were muslim, as Larry is Skype-ing with the Iranian consulate.

Some funny fucking shit this season.

Last episode blew, but the first 3 were great. I hope the finale is Jeff’s daughters wedding and LD fucks it up badly.

3rd one sucked, last one redeemed it.

Truly a gem

in one older episode he explains hitler to a kid, and he says "the germans just thought that jews were a bit much"

he said it so funny but yea ever since then i knew that guy is very unique

"get a life Jews!" said by the gayest child ever

I still say that shit out loud, once in a group of people and had to explain what the fuck I meant in most cringeworthy way. Jesus the autism flairs up at times

Not a fan of the jews but Larrys ONE OF THE GOOD ONES

how could you have possibly watched all the episodes this seasons and come to conclusion he's going after muslims? If anything he's doing a satire of a psychotic paranoid jewish man who is riddled with US propaganda making us irrationally afraid of muslims, you would honestly have to be a moron to not see that

Yeah probably.

I just got the audiobook for The Book of Leon: Philosophy of a Fool by JB Smoove. Pretty fucking funny.

It's really got a goofy side this season, and Larry looks like he's having so much fun with it.

Why'd you say that in a way my mom would say it to her sister.

In hindsight that's the gayest comment I've ever made haha.

I <3'd it

So no Trump bashing? But there's not a lot of that on TV these days.

They have all been good apart from episode 3. However episode 4 was hilarious.

Each Monday I watch tha Chippah, Curb and Vice Principals. Staves off the suicide.

My mudder always said. Those people sure do know how to make ya laff chippah

Leon being his assistant.

fuck yea danny mcbride is the best

"get a life Jews!" said by the gayest child ever

I bet she smells like fucked buttholes.

I love when Ted Danson randomly says "He's a weird man" when Larry walks away. He really is a strange human being.

Jerry was the worst part of Seinfeld

Vice Principals is the best fucking comedy on TV right now. Everything Jody Hill does is pretty boss.

And Nathan for you

That's not true. You just need some device to watch it on.

He's a far superior on-screen presence than Jerry.

You're also comparing 2000's HBO vs 90's NBC restrictions (or lack there of)