Erock Took a Shot @ OPIE!!!!!!!!!!

0  2017-10-24 by sarahemmingway

In his latest podcast he was saying "quote" There have been alot of meetings its weird to explain that because of other situations that circle around my world (Opie) people r tired of hearing these things they think everything is false and made up.......Its @ 11 minutes and 30 seconds in the show.......


I just Read this twice and I have no idea what you’re saying.

"There have been alot of meetings, its weird to explain that, because of other situations that circle around my world people r tired of hearing these things. They think everything is false and made up" -Erock

Best I could do with what I was given

Can you translate it from whale noises to English?

I honestly didn't know Erock had a podcast.

Who on earth would listen to that.


I like that this sub is becoming less about two washed up shock jocks, and more a case study on various mental illnesses

you fucks have a severely distorted view of what a "shot" is

It's almost criminal that you have "hemmingway" in your username.

Is the "quote" thing some reference that I missed out on or should I just call you a stupid person?

What podcast? Erock has a podcast? boy I bet that's a hoot

Am i having a stroke?

Lay off the pipe dude.