Jim Jeffries loves women and is brave

15  2017-10-24 by ThePolicemansBeard


What a traitor to comedy and mankind this spinless Aussie cunt is.

He's basically saying you can't make sexist jokes anymore because some people take it seriously and women are too precious to joke about.

His funniest bit was when he got his ass kicked on stage years ago.

Do you have a link to this sir?

That's just a character. The real jim Jefferies rapes women.

I agree. Jim Jefferies jokes are responsible for countless sexual assaults.

Jim "Knoife-in-the-Vajoina" Jeffries


He's obviously made enough money to say 'fuck it! No need to be funny anymore', he only had about 10 stories anyway, & repeated them on radio, podcasts & stage. He was funny when drunk &/or shocking, but he's realised you need to be better than him to carry that in the modern world.

Jeffries has evolved from an unfunny bogan who tried to be edgy to an unfunny sellout who recites Trevor Noah's talking points. He's a slightly more famous Jason Ellis.

"Legit" always sucked balls.

mate you didn't like casting trainables as loveable scamps mate that was top class laughter mate mate mate

Ayyy nayyy! Seriously fayks, women ahh being riped! Hahhvey Woinstein is a behhd man!


Member when Jim Jefferies made a joke on O&A about women cumming when being raped, referring to it as a woman’s “guilty orgasm”? I member!

Has the whole world gone mad? What's the point of having money and power if you can't wash your cum off a woman's face with your piss?

Remember, he has a serious phobia of bananas. Do not throw any at him.

Jimmy boy needs to harden the fuck up. He's a disgrace to all the drunken date-raping Aussies out there keeping their country's bad reputation alive.

Of all the once funny comics that turned into humorless, P.C. liberal fags that only bitch about Trump, Jeffries is the most perplexing. At least with Patton or Colbert they were always left-leaning so it wasn't too much of a stretch for it to happen. Jeffries never talked politics. It was mainly jokes about drinking, drugs, and sex stories. But now he's suddenly trying to be Jon Stewart? Way to hop on a bandwagon....

He went to university for opera, pretty sure he was never a conservative.

I'm sure he thinks any criticism of this garbage is politically motivated. But this show is a hacky, 3rd rate copy of The Daily Show. The format is outdated, no one cares except a dwindling audience of sycophants.

Plus: "Those were jokes and don't represent my actual beliefs." Pandering douche.

He did the wife and kid thing that kills a lot of comedians

I think it's time for us to edit all of the shit he's said about women into one clip to inform his "fans" what he really thinks about the fairer sex.

Could be a double sexist/racist whammy with some of the audio from the show when Halperin brought his 2 black "goddesses" in.

That's the episode that immediately came to my mind.

seriously - a nice juxtaposition of his current preening with some choice past cuts. Enough to get the twitter mob going, and force a response, and that'll be the end of him.

Someone should do this just because the things he said were pretty funny. "Jim Jefferies on women" if watch that for non political reasons. He's said some amazing stuff

He's so virtuous. So brave

Jesus, what happened to this guy??

fucking fraud, theres nothing genuine about him

He couldn't stop making jokes about women so much when I saw him live. Even I thought he was going too far. This guy is a liar and a fraud.

One of his jokes is you have to tell women over and over again how shit they are because they don't listen lol

Just to be clear, this is the same guy used to name his microphone 'Mohammed' and simulate fuckin himself it the ass with it?

I hope this comedy bad boy gets his asshole eaten out by coyotes.

Remember when he told Justine Joli that he wanted to eat her poo.

I wish Patrice was still alive

It would've been even more painful if he caught the disease that turns you into an unfunny cunt like all the other O&A regulars. He died a hero.

He was one of that last comics with a spine to stand up to these pc bitches. Don't really know who's left, rogan somewhat? Dipalo yes, who else we got?

Are we going to ignore the fact that Jim's son was literally conceived on a casting couch? He's openly talked about how he knocked up a girl trying to get an extra role on Legit

Also they're divorced because by his own admission he is the worst person to be with because he is so abusive. Lol

Holy shit.

It is just a matter of time until the people he is pandering to unearth some of the shit that he used to say when he was good and then devour him whole.