Just met a girl off tinder and she looked nothing like her pics. Legitimately looked like she had down syndrome.

28  2017-10-24 by xavier_stock


Ask for a refund.

I feel fucking sick talking dirty to her on the app when I thought she was more than a 5. Had dinner as quickly as possible and then said I had better get home. She knew she was being rejected, but I didn't feel bad because fortunately I'm aware women have no feelings. Now to get drunk and try to jerk off.

Yeah, I fucked a few pigs on tinder. Gotta power through it bud. Next weekend is only 3 days away.

I pride myself on never having fucked a fat chick yet.

I like to run up the score board sometimes.

Low test. Sad!

I pride myself on never having fucked yet.

Fixed that for ya.


Really? I don't know any guy who hasn't at least once in a drunken stupor. I remember reading fat girls are more sexually active than the hot ones.

I went through a phase of fat black chicks because the fat useless black men around them were busy fucking fat useless white women.

It would be nice if she got raped by her Uber driver on the way home but from the sounds of it even those savages wouldn't sink so low.

'Aww for fuck sake'

D. Brent when he sees the oinker



One of my favorite scenes in all of TV.

how do you think she felt!

Tss yeah he's no oil painting himself, right Col?

Ugly women trick men into thinking that they might be actual people all the time, where the fuck is our #metoo campaign?

My girlfriend's sister is a 5 at very best and as low as a 2-3 without make up but her Facebook photos are engineered so well that she comes off as an 8 online.

She was telling me recently how she met up with a guy for coffee off tinder and he gave her a disgusted look, said she looked nothing like her photos and left immediately.

She was saying how much of a scumbag he was but I said at least he was honest unlike your photos. Haven't seen her since. Women are cunts.

lol this happens so much it’s not even funny. I’ll never understand why women think this is ok to do.

I flirted with Tinder a few years ago but just couldn't be bothered after a few weeks. I was way more in shape back then and didn't want to fuck any old pig.

I was meant to go on dates with three girls but found one of the twitter accounts of one of them which she had real time pics in. She looked like a blimp with downs syndrome. All her tinder pics were from a birdseye view to hide the chins. Deleted her instantly.

The second was a complete slut and her tinder pics were all nice with her tits showing. She was sexting almost instantly. She made the mistake of telling me where she worked, one night I walked past her workplace (a shop) and saw this fat fuck behind the register. I almost didn't believe it was her so asked my friend to go in and ask her name. It was her. I later messaged saying I like slim girls and if she went to the gym. She never responded.

The third was in a bar. I genuinely thought she was an 8 on Tinder. All pics up to date, young and kinda rock chick vibe which I like. I walked in and she was in a group of a few friends. My heart sank, she must have out on 40lbs in the space of a few months and she looked miserable. I spun around and walked out.

I'd probably let no.2 and 3 kiss my peckah now that I've been with the same woman for two years and hate myself now.

It's not hard to figure out the fakes.

Only face pics with cleavage are a red flag. Look for upper arm girth. It's very telling.

A lot have older pics. As you're texting you can ask for a random selfie to "make sure they are real"

If you just want to fuck, lower your standards

Also wedding pics, particularly weddings they were in. Always dated and the best she's ever gonna look.

Guaranteed she grabbed cheese danishes. Pigs never go to coffee shops for coffee

How would you know?

Fooled by MySpace voodoo a few years ago. She didn't even hesitate to snag one. "I have to go to the bathroom, be back!" I never returned

I fell for this shit once. The girl took one of those birds eye view photos with a deep v neck shot of her gigantic breasts and I was immediately infatuated. So we meet up, at 2am and she’s gigantic all around.

Then I’m like ok fuck it, I’m still gonna hit it. Who’s gonna know? So I ask her back to my place and she follows me. But I tell her I need to stop at 7-11 first. So we pull up to the 7-11 and she follows me in the store. Smh. You know how embarrassing it is to buy condoms from 7-11 at 3am with the fat chick you’re about to fuck standing next to you?

Go on...

Ive been blown by an Absurd amount of Women for a Man with my Rotund appearance
And i have to be honest and say 90% of them were 5/10 at Best. But the ABSOLUTE pigs The 3/10s def were the BEST fun They sucked the Best dick and had the Best personalities . When i occasionally jagged a 7/10 when she was at Rock bottom it would be uneventful and lackluster .... Pigs are full of Passion and arent afraid to throw up on your cock n balls while you call them a Good Girl and pat their head .

God bless 'em. The girls that know they're pigs are grateful and eager fuck sockets.

There's nothing worse than a pig that thinks they're cute though. Absolute horrors, especially when you drunkenly come on to them thinking they'll be easy and get turned down.

Yes, as a revolting creature, I've long since abandoned the idea of finding a decent girl who's my physical equivalent. I'm happy with the pigs, and they seem to be accepting of me. Tis my shame.

Hot AND Crazy is the best combo in bed. Fat chicks a second place.

I'd still take the boring in the sack 7 over an enthusiastic 3.

nest and say 90% of them were 5/10 at Best. But the ABSOLUTE pigs The 3/10s def were the BEST fun They sucked the Best dick and had the Best personalities . When i occasionally jagged a 7/10 when she was at Rock bottom it would be uneventful and lackluster .... Pigs are full of Passion and arent afraid to throw up on your cock n balls while you call them a Good Girl and pat their head

I'm intrigued and wish you'd write a newsletter with handy tips and tricks for the not so classically handsome gentleman.

There's usually enough information to find them on Facebook. If I see the same pictures on there dated from 2015 (and this is often the case) I just assume they've gotten fat. Women age like milk.

you sat through a whole date and didn't surreptitiously take a photo and post it side-by-side with her profile pic? what the fuck?

This is why i just don't have sex anymore, too lazy and sick of dealing with pigs and sociopaths. I just let my jizz back up until it starts to slowly drive me insane, wnd then I google some.porn gifs and rub one out. I've had enough sex to go a few years at this point, also doing heroin for years also ruins your sex drive. Sex isn't all that exciting after slamming large amounts of shitty street coke and heroin into your veins.

cool blog

Off the heroin? You know what's a good alternative? The Bible!

Or weed, but i don't blaspheme though... just in case there is a rapture after all.

This is why jerking off is less humiliating than piggin'

Say what you will about the gentlemen over at TheRedPill, but after browsing some of their material, they're absolutely right when it comes to online dating. The top 10% of dudes literally hoard all the sex. Several of my friends are avid on-line daters. The best looking of the bunch, who's a very good looking dude plus has a phenomenal job, can literally bang a legit smoking girl any time he wants. My other friends who are reasonably attractive with mildly successful lives literally have to scrap it out for what seems like the dregs of society. Crazy I tell ya.

This is what blows the bullshit women spout about "loving a man with a sense of humour or confidence" out of the water.

Women are just as, if not more shallow then men. We just admit it.

I genuinely feel sorry for ugly fucks that think they can outsmart a women's in built instincts.

90% of them say it, 10% mean it. Even if you're dynamic sense of humor works, you will soon be an "idiot" who "never takes anything seriously" and will be dumped in favor of her old BF who just got out of prison after a three year bid.

y hoard all the sex. Several of my friends are avid on-line daters. The best looking of the bunch, who's a very good looking dude plus has a phenomenal job, can literally bang a legit smoking girl any time he wants. My other friends who are r

Painfully accurate.

Had the same experience 2 weeks ago. She was a solid 8 in her pics, and i thought i was swinging high. She must have been 50+lbs overweight (she was really short), and was completely disheveled. I saw her before she saw me, I and instinctively said "are you fucking kidding me" and turned around to walk away.

Unfortunately, my conscience wouldn't let me leave, because I'm a huge faggot in real life. Her personality was actually perfect, but if you're using pics from 2 years ago when you were fit and hot, that's an automatic fuck you.

Same thing happened to me today. Fake pictures! 50 pounds overweight and was below average lookwise.

She has a great personality though.. maybe I’ll just gain a friend.

I have to preface every date with the soul crushing fact that I am 5'7. I know, me and Rogan are midgets.

Women are so superficial that many of them will just stop responding when I mention my height.

But women routinely manipulate their appearance and hide their weight. Using filters, makeup, odd angles, and older photos to try and lure you into a free meal for themselves.

A guy shows up to a date and he is shorter than she expected "what a pathetic manlet" A girl shows up to a date 80lbs heavier than expected. "Don't be so superficial, you sexist pig"

TL;DR I am bitter about my hobbit level height and women are hypocritical cunts.

preface every date with the soul crushing fact that I am 5'7

yeah that's a bad move

An especially bad move because most women are fucking retards and don't even know how tall a lot of guys are. I'm just barely over 6' with shoes on, and I've had girls say "You're so tall, are you like 6'3?" It's like they've heard basketball players' heights and assume "tall" is at least over 6'2.

It is often asked. That is why I said that I "have to" preface every date with my height.

Also, I'm not going on a date just to have a girl act pissy that I am not as tall as she wanted.

You are a pathetic little man, but you make a good point. You ever need anything from the top shelf, you don't hesitate to ask me.

No thanks. I have one of those long arm grabbers. I got it from ONNIT.com with the coupon code "ROGAN".

Women are so superficial that many of them will just stop responding when I mention my height.

I didn't think they'd stoop so low

Was she at least one of them bubbly one's because of her eating?

Ive been on those apps for years, and yeah Id say 90% of the time they show up either way heavier or uglier than their pics, or both. (and probably 50% of those times, I fucked them anyway)

Got talking to a girl once that looked like a 7 or an 8 even. Big ol' bolt on titties to boot, so I asked her to Mini Golf one night. When I pulled up at her place, she lummoxes out of the house, and when I saw her I almost just floored it there and then. Couldn't have been more than a 2 in the pitch black. We did do golf, but I was Happy Gilmor-ing those balls across the fence in frustration. I ended up dropping her back home after what turned out to be the shortest date in history. As I got home, she texted me, 'I wanted a kiss'. That was the last we spoke.

You were on Tindurrrrr by accident.

It's all pink in the middle, my friend

We need to legalize prostitution guys, future generations of men are depending on us.

A stunt as old as posting pics online itself. A few years ago I bit on one too, her pic was from a wedding she was in like twenty years ago and when I met up with her she was a mess, with the sweatpants gunt and all. I did what I always do in those situations, I started talking about my knife and axe collection followed by complaining about my checking account being overdrawn. As usual it worked like a charm.

Also wedding pics, particularly weddings they were in. Always dated and the best she's ever gonna look.