<# of people who'd subscribe to Compound Media, if PFGTV was picked up.

114  2017-10-24 by naziniggerfaggot


ah, gawddammit... that didn't need no comma.

also itd be the other way around, should compound media be picked up by PFGtv?

that's A pretty EFFIN! GOOD idea!

I think you're misjudging our commitment to this PFGTV bit.

If every upvote is real then we might finally put the compound subs in the triple digits!!!

Lotta WEIRD NEWS out there these days.

I certainly wouldnt

honestly i only subscribed for the east side dave show. I couldn't feel any less lame at this point.

I might need a regular bobo show as well to seal the deal

I'd rather have Bobo and Bochetti. One episode per week.

Bobo and scorch. Intern David steering the ship.

My head would explode. Is there a way we could get Nick Carponelli in there?

If there's a couch. And of course a drinks segment.

Fuck these threads, and fuck your fake edgy faggot username

Only way I sign up for CM is if Chip's podacast joins the network and can't be seen without paying

And cancel In Hot Water. I would love to see the kind of people that actually listen to that shit