This post made it to the front page of Reddit. Oh Bill...

56  2017-10-24 by Martillo_Valentine


/r/GetMotivated ? This should have been posted on /r/Irony .

If you need the internet to get motivated its time to kill yourself and everyone you know. Peckas.

Im pretty sure he lays in bed thinking “what have I done?!?” on a regular basis.

You may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile And You may find yourself with a large Negro woman And you may tell yourself, this is not my biological child!

and the days go by ♪♫♬ :)

I'm pretty sure he lays in his cage thinking "I hope this gorilla doesn't rip my balls off". just sayin'

I'm not listening to a guy who abandons his brother; youtube: 'Patterson Nightly' for the skinny on Bill's abandoning proclivities .

he also claimed that he would never get married and look how that turned out. he wakes up next to a chimp and has an impure child that he can't get away from. lil billy red face livin' the dream!

Imagine the pit in Bill's stomach when he looks the skin tone of "his" child. Every time the baby is on the leather love seat and Bill only sees the white of its eyes, he flashes back to his brother in law, strong-arming him at Easter dinner. "Naw Bill, me and Nia got some real dark ancestors, that must be where it came from. Ain't no need for no DNA test."

you just know all of his faux alpha male shit would just drain away and he'd only speak when spoken to by Nia.

This is like Dale Gribble claiming that he's part Jamaican to explain Joseph not being white, except instead Bill is claiming that Nia is really really black instead of just regular level of black.

Oooh edgy! Allthepeople17 bringin the heat, racist comments so in right now!

shut up faggot

make me biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitch tits



LuhDatCheckins from POPEYE




This is reddit you retard, of course he isn't going to do shit, it's words on a screen.

I've never lost respect for a person as quick as I have for Bill. It's not just the fact that he married a black woman which triggers my racism but he just turned into the kind of faggot be used to beat on.

Old Bill "Ugh, fuck women who nag their men. I ain't got time for that shit.

New Bill: " It's the lovely Nia on the podcast folks"

Nia "What da fuck you say white bwoy?"

Bill "Holy fuck Nia, I was just sayin.."

Nia "Don't you raise up on me bwoy! I'm a powerful black woman, you just a white man"

Bill "Haha, our banter is so hilarious!"

his white guilt was overwhelming and how he sees this life as a penance.

I think his "white guilt" is just self-serving Mic-on-White crime

Living near San Fransisco and LA makes you into a sensitive faggot. It's like radioactivity slowly turning you into limp-wristed white apologist.

Rogan has somewhat escaped it due to pumping his veins full of testosterone and his ass full of semen during his hunting trips.

I never heard this. Link please.

You don’t know me


now if only he'd go after that dream of murdering his cunt wife.

He really could take a lesson from his buddy Patton Oswalt. Maybe slip some fentanyl and xanax in her grape soda.

is Patton really the good guy here ?

If you went back in time and handed me a list of all the bizarre things that would happen in the world of O&A containing items like “Anthony will get fired and then bite a woman like a vampire”, “Opie will get fired for filming Roland on the toilet”, “Jimmy will marry a tranny sex slave supplied to him by the Russian mafia”, etc. etc., the most unbelievable item on the list would be this: “you’ll end up having more respect for Joe Derosa than Bill Burr.”

I hope she makes him sleep on a futon in the guest bedroom.

Recovering from a broken eye-socket after his "wife" beat him with a bedpost.

People either die in their 50s or get old and turn into faggots. Period.

You know whats the saddest thing about this whole Bill Burr/Nia deal? The saddest thing is he actually believe he loves her, he actually believe he created a child with a woman he loved. He can sit and watch Formula 1 racing, and the Patriots vs Atlanta. He can still fly helicopters and play drums, until that one day, and that day will come ladies and gentleman, when that self entitled nigger bitch comes in and says...Rich Vos will be performing at Uncle Vinnies November 8th in New Jersey.

Why do you have comic sans as your default font? Think that's a fun way to cut loose, do ya?

Poor Bill. Backed himself into a corner.


Rest in Patrice.

Oh the old "Bill's life sucks because we don't like his wife schtick"... I don't like his wife either, she's a noisy idiot, but Bill's got a successful podcast, netflix specials, and a netflix show about his life. Dude could have a whole nother king size bed to himself if he really wants it.

What an absolutely load of horsecrap. Regardless of how hypocritical that is of Bill to say, it's also honestly the worst advice ever you could give young people in the current and projected jobmarket.

Nobody fears sleeping on a futon when their 30 Bill.. Every moron wants to do chase their retarded pipedream. Smart people fear still having to stress about paying the rent each month when they're 70.