Things are going great. There's a definite bi-partisan split in America and definitely no overriding agenda.

13  2017-10-23 by McGowan9


Dude you got yet natural disasters, got your foundations whos main goal is profit(operating costs), BOOM you got some cash.

Spell words properly, you spastic.

I don't know exactly what you're saying.

It's a roundabout way of saying England is full of fagolas

Then please just say that. These mixed messages are so frustrating!

I think the best part of the primaries was Trump tearing Jeb down. He got his ass kicked so badly he asked an audience to clap for him. I think only him and Joe Matarese are the only 2 people to do that.

Low energy Jeb. Mama's boy. Sad!

please clap...

I like how we're supposed to believe a 93 year old pant shitter is tweeting.

He could barely slur a "thank you" on the commercials these phonies did together.

Hey, that pant shitter was jumping out of airplanes and drinking Iraqi baby blood just last summer.


Don't forget who the real (((owners))) of these men are.

They're not too worried, the TPP will go through eventually.

China is fucking thrilled that tpp has become a neoliberal meme, now they can have the Pacific to themselves

I liked Obama more when he was drone-striking civilians.

Niggers be whinning