Anyone here part of the old Paltalk days?

21  2017-10-23 by ManiacalChrisBenoit

If so how much material did the b-b-b-boys steal from you guys? Just wondering if that rumor was true.


i hope not

Did you hear how bad the callers were? Those people weren't producing many gems you'd want people to think you thought up.

That's because Opie picked them...

No, radio callers in general suck. If you are somewhat witty and have the ability to contribute to conversations, sitting on hold to a radio show for forty minutes is generally unappealing. It's the rare weirdos like Radio Shark or Pat from Moonachie (I said somewhat) that possesses both qualities.

Radio Shark was a one trick pony. When Ron let him talk at length, shit got depressing.


Maybe call by call? He was great and varied for years.

This is Radio Shark hitting two notes in the same clip.

I think you need to re-work your theory, fella.

Well, I leave you with this sad sad longform clip.

Video linked by /u/MalcolmX_InTheMiddle:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Ron & Fez - Radio Shark In Studio RONandFriEndZ 2015-02-18 0:43:20 38+ (95%) 4,831

Radio Shark shows up. Actual in studio starts around 6:20 ...

Info | /u/MalcolmX_InTheMiddle can delete | v2.0.0

I know this clip and love it. None of these pieces of audio support your original thesis nor does an in-studio appearance negate my assertion that the Radio Shark was a good caller.

I do think he's a good caller. But past that?

All I said was that he was a good caller. You responded in the negative and then we went back and forth until you just agreed with me. Do you see how this all could have been avoided by you not being a Debbie Downer for no reason?

I was dealing people from another sub in a negative fashion. My apologies for unnecessary bleed over.

See? Now hug yourself and get the good vibes flowing!

Thanks budday

I used it listen to the show for free in college. 98% of the time, Ant would credit the line to whoever said it. It's where the "Steven S" lines came from. The uncredited lines were either reworded or obvious lines to begin with. Opie was never involved with Paltalk.

The mod team ruined most of it. Especially the humorless ugly cunt named "runtbug". Never put women in charge.

The Ron and Fez room was always better and had better content streaming when the show wasn't on.




I listened to a lot of past shows. Ant always seemed to credit the lines accordingly.

Opie did too, but he could never delivered them properly and more often than not, low key bombed that was often brushed aside by the boys. So much so he ended up giving up and not reading lines anymore.

Same, I used to listen free in college. I tried staying shit a few times and was ignored. Got kicked once. Gave the fuck up and just listened after that.

I haven't been on in years.

Just logged in to see if Cumia was still using it.

He is, and that effing ugly cunt is one of ten people online.

What a fucking loser.

I was listening to the Poor Taste Wresling Figures audio and someone commented that he stold a lot of them from Paltalk. Didn't know if that was true, but I have heard him credit them before so I'll take your word for it.

I'm sure he snagged a few over the years. But he always credited mine or the ones I saw. I'm sure both of them were much more guilty of stealing from the Instant Feedback, since it couldn't be monitored by the fans.

I remember those days. Opie used to steal a lot, too much I think. If it didn't do well then he acknowledged the fact that he came from Paltalk.

I thought Opie had a separate 'Instant Feedback' intant email page type thing, & only Anth used Paltalk.

I remember plenty of times where they'd both be on the paltalk.


Yes I was a member of the frunkis brigade and a paltalk Junior mod. It was revolutionary, it made the pests part of the show.

Thanks for your service.

Opie stole from Instant Feedback. Ant would almost always credit Paltalk users.


Paltalk was a bunch of fun at XM. It got super shitty once they moved to SIRIUS.

Best part of Paltalk was the live studio feed.

When they announced contest, we would be the first callers.

"Won" many giveaways.

Not me.

Dude there's a naked chick in there who looks like Big A in drag. You're missing out!

I miss that and instant Feedback. I threw a couple parody song titles out on Instant Feedback that got used on air, I didn't give a shit. I was just happy Ant thought they were funny enough to use.

I'm from Paltalk unfortunately

Beep bop boop. Hi old friend

Opie credited me on air once and I remember he used to do it regularly. Not sure how much he DIDN'T do it though.

Ant always seemed to credit PalTalk users.

"I don't know who said it but I just read this great line...hold on the instant feedback just updated..." looks for line for 15 seconds

I kept wondering how many years it would take him to figure out to open a word doc and copy/paste things like that when he knew it was going to be constantly updating. We'll never know the answer because he was not in radio long enough to learn.

I thought it was to watch the studio stuff. And Lucci’s tits

Seemed like a weird fucking community. I get the irony of that statement, considering where I am right now...but seemed very cliquey & cunty.

Anthony always had the laptop with pal talk it eventually turned into him grooming girls on there.

Hey how have you been?

I used to listen through good old bite my torrent.
