ATTN Shit-For-Brains Sirius XM Management: Demote Sam to Board Op and bring in Bob or Nick as second mic.

129  2017-10-23 by CormacMcFarty

The current show is fucking awful, having two comedians might actually make it funny and entertaining.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about "Bob and Mike" or whatever fucking thing you're trying to pilot, try to have one GOOD show on the channel instead of a half-dozen of them that are pure shit.


But he provides so much, like...












Ssssssssssssssss... mmmmmmmmmmm...



Boy he fucking stinks.

When I cancel my SXM subscription next week (finally) I will be telling them it's because of the Jim and Sam show being so awful. I don't listen to it of course, but if I can contribute even in the slightest to Cro-magnon Roberts being demoted I can rest happy.

Haha, you pay for a subscription.

Came free with my car and I paid for it a few times because they offer $30 for 6 months when you try to cancel. Never listened to talk radio with it, but even the music stations are mostly terrible so it's time to cancel. Great opportunity to throw Sam under the bus when I call.

My father in law has his calendar marked each year with a "call to fake un-subscribe and hold out until I get the introductory offer" day.

my friend and i used to routinely do this to Microsoft with Xbox Live subscriptions. they will ALWAYS give you free months and a reduced subscription cost if you threaten to unsub, every single time. we did this for about five years straight.

sounds like a real winner

Doesn't make sense. Came free with my truck but I didn't have to call to cancel anything, it just stopped working after the first year.

Just download from youtube like everyone else does. You can even skip shit then so you don't have to listen to eggwhites and WWE bullshit.

Both management and the talent have a great habit of either keeping great people apart or putting a shitty group together. A Bob n Jim show would rule.

I'd take Roland over Sam at this point. That Weinstein rant from days ago was cringe worthy.


Vos and Bob Kelly are the only two guests who still remind me anything of the O&A show when they come on

Nick would be great. Rambling against the government on his own just makes it seem likes he is writing a manifesto durin the breaks.

Let's be real here, Sam is only qualified to be the intern instigator. He is not a cohost. The intern with the gambling problem would be a better host than Sam.

Don't forget, Sam is a fast food aficionado, too!

Shitloaf is even worse than Sam is on the mic. His whole schtick is really the same as Joe Matarese would be with a gambling problem

Allow me to rebutt:

  1. His voice does not make me wanna kill myself.
  2. He's only like 12 years old, so he can still develop into a good broadcaster. Sam has failed to do so.
  3. He doesn't talk about wrestling.
  4. His mother does not keep his bodily secretions or hair in boxes.

Lol opie jr is like 40 years old

Shitloaf is 27 and the memory of a goldfish. He's worse than Erock.

Sorry you cant bet on wwe. Atleast degenerate gamblers are funny in their misery.

Are you telling me that Shitloaf is going on Joe's 100% Italian podcast?

Sam is an awful little boy who can't hold his own and I love the fact that he thought this would be his big break where he finally becomes a big boy. Nope, get out from behind that soundboard you little runt cunt.

You forgot that he is unable to form anything approaching a coherent sentence and is screaming for attention at all times. Though that may be part of the little boy shit. That is really fucking accurate actually.

Demote him out ‘da door

I enjoy the show and Sam is funny sometimes.

Sam gets chip and does the best chip imprrssion

Thanks babe. Check out my hompage.

I enjoy it, but mostly compared to the terrestrial options. As awful as Opie is, I'd listen to an O&A reunion if it competed with Jim and Sam.

I don't think they read this sub

Jim is kinda a loser. Bobby has obvious Alpha qualities and would be an improvement. Actually Sam is way more Alpha than the blinking maggot. What I don't get is how a "producer" for Sirius seems to just be a Gopher and the "Talent" rambles on aimlessly. It really sounds like a weird operation they have there.

Nick sucks with all his bells, whistles and noises. Yea found the silly noises set in your cassio

I honestly have no idea who in the fucking fuck "Bob" is supposed to be. I only get in my car every so often. It's always tuned to 103 but it's an average of 200 minutes/week. Who are you truckers talking about exactly. Who the motherfucking christ is "Bob"?

Robert Kelly

How can he and "Mike" be put in quotes together. This post is pure shit.

Why so angry though?

Good question. I think I've gotten to the point where I'm actually trolling myself. Psychologically. Since I'm "above" trolling normal folks, and all. It's the only option left.

just ask who bob is, no need for your life story

When was the last time a show with 2 comedians co-hosting was successful and long running?

It can't be done, 2 roosters in the same coop and they all are needy psychotic assholes with no work ethic. That's why they are comedians.

My wish list: Demote Sam back to doing a night show, make Denny the new Opie, make DiPaolo the new Anthony, and let the worm go back to being a third mic.

No, Sam wasted his 20s being Opie's whipping boy(Had to go through 100s of hours of Cock TV to get 10 good bits, stayed at work for up to 16 hours per day etc) and has turned into a 34 year old that looks 45.

He deserves a 3rd mic and to operate the board.

They need Colin, Nick and Jimmy with Sam demoted back to whipping boy. Have Anth and Artie back as regular guests and bring in Bochetti and Bobo sometimes.

I just miss Faction.

Sam "Like... like.... like... like... like... like" Roberts

You misspelled Bobo there m8

You spelled shit can Sam wrong.

no the shows must remain lame as fuck. How else can they flex their monopoly power?

I genuinely don’t dislike Sam, I think it’s just as much on Jim why the show has gotten a bit stale, but the point is still valid. Jim needs another comic to feed off, that’s what he’s always been great at doing. If Anthony or another comedian is in his energy/enthusiasm, whatever the fuck you want to call it, is noticeably better.

The best scenario is Anthony coming back in. Artie’s heart is a hard sneeze away from exploding, so maybe it’s still a possibility. There still should be a third person though. Anthony and Jim have always been best at being 2a and 2b.

Sam is alright sometimes, but he tries too hard when comedians are on.

He's best at being a shit-stirrer in more serious interviews.

no, let Sam play the role of Opie, get another comedian to replace ant and let jimmy be jimmy

Nick would likely make a good Ant replacement, he's just not as gross

I would love a Jim/Ant/Soder lineup. But we can't have nice things.

Bawby sux

There are dozens of viable options better than Sam. Fuck even Luis J Gomez would be a huge improvement.

Luis cut his ties with Sirius because they paid him like shit.

He's also way to volatile and says 'Nigger' all the time.

Nick Mullen and Jim Norton in the morning.

Jim wouldn't get any of the jokes and turn into Opie 2.0

It's Over Johnny. The show will never be half as good as it used to be.

If you want to listen to three guys who are actually excited to do a show, listed to the Last Podcast on the Left.

He might be.

You forgot that he is unable to form anything approaching a coherent sentence and is screaming for attention at all times. Though that may be part of the little boy shit. That is really fucking accurate actually.