Sam Roberts being a constant bully is the fucking worst.

125  2017-10-23 by PM_ME_TITS_PLZ__

Fucking Sam is awful.


He's the worst kind of bully: The worthless cunt ONLY bullies people who are either his subordinate at work or completely incapable of defending themselves.

Sounds a lot like Tit Titterson

They are identical personality types: delusional, unfunny cunts with zero self awareness and a constant need to blame others for their problems.

Damn people on this sub flip quick.

The thing i find amusing about the evolution of Sam hate is how his awfulness almost came as a surprise to a lot of people. Samuel Roberts is literally- the self admitted Protege of Gregg Opie Hughes.

How else could this have turned out? Sam was going to turn into a likable, funny, & talented radio host?

I too thought Sam was a likable piece of shit during his days as a producer - and thought he might turn into a good host.

But after he openly stated Opie Hughes was his mentor....on his midnight jackoff hour show, after Jim vs Tits II.....I thought that was the proverbial nail in the mammary.

He reiterated Opie was his mentor like forty six fucking times too.

This is literally the fucking Protege of Gregg Opie Hughes.

it only takes a slight hint of self-awareness to not be so hateable, people were optimistic Sam had that somewhere.

Honestly I saw this from a mile away I never liked the unfunny neanderthal.

There's currently another thread where people are sucking Kenny's dick because it was revealed he didn't like Opie.

Kenny is a sociopath ex-pig who should have been killed violently long ago.

But we have to wash his balls because this sub is schizophrenic af.

well hes probably mad that a camera is lost/stolen

The last time Sam accused someone of stealing his stuff (the moving company), it turned out to be a false accusation. Sam and no one else is responsible for Sam's property -- Sam made the decision to bring it to work and use it for the show; he should have made sure it was secured at the end of each show.

They asked about that and Sam said he would feel like a "jackass" having to lock up his own camera at work so he has to have his subordinates do it. He's a peima donna cunt.

He would feel like a jackass having to take care of his own objects?

"I'm telling you, they stole my limited edition 2004 Macho Man underoos."

Sam's fan check in

Fez did that to him and others for years. O&A would talk shit about Fezzy and he'd turn around and attack Sam. And Fez always went after the interns on his show when Ron or someone else mocked him. So Sam is becoming Fez now.

Fez never was once would even raise his voice against Ron, but all of his rage that he directed towards subordinates was really him misdirecting his hurt and anger from Ron breaking his balls.

It was a bit.

The last few years that Fez was on the air it wasn't a bit. He was legitimately going nuts, taking everything as a slight against him and too scared to go after O&A or Ron so he started trashing people he felt were below him in the company and didn't have any pull. He had serious mental problems and felt like anyone making a joke about him were attacking him for being an openly gay man as if his being gay had been some well kept secret. Fez had been done doing bits for years as evidenced by the long awkward silences and him rambling about a subject and not paying the slightest bit of attention to anything Ron said to him.

If you think it was a bit you need to go back and listen to the last few years of Ron and Fez and you can hear the sadness, exasperation and disgust in Ron's voice.

yeah Opie sucks.

The kind of bully that is fixed with one solid open handed slap. He would be so quick to pull the victim card instead of fight back that nobody does it. Its something that should have happened years ago so he be humbled.

Sam would last 5 minutes in an auto shop or small contractor's business, someplace without an HR dept for him to run to when someone put him in his place.

I can picture the shockwave echoing through his clowny hair as the pain sets in and his eyes fill up.

You just made me cum a little bit.

Yeah, my cock chubbed up a bit as well.

I want him open-hand slapped like a mouthy broad so hard his hair straightens.

the shockwave echoing through his clowny hair

Fuck, man. That's poetry

I wish I could turn this post into a painting.

Thankfully that cowardly mutant cunt would never volunteer for the military even if he had a remote chance of passing the physical exam. If so he wouldn't make it a week before he got a Pyle style blanket party. Hopefully the patriotic lads would insert the bars of soap into his anus.

He'd be history's first ever bootcamp-fragging victim.

It's funny how being beat as a kid fucks you up relatively bad, but NEVER getting a single punch thrown your way throughout your entire life turns you into Sam.

I'm not the type to think that fist fights solve stupid little work arguments, mostly people who use their hands and not their words are just baby bitches. But Sam isn't capable of using his own words, and he's unphased by words to him (like "learn how to google, faggot" or "stop pulling your afro into a ponytail because you'll go bald.") He doesn't listen, so he needs to be shown. With flurries of punches.

I fuck his ass make him humble

The most enraging shit is when he goes after comics like Colin and Vos.

When the fuck did he do this


You're fag. Just in case no one else has made it clear to you.

Yeah its not even in a funny way. The only laughs came by the retard intern trying to make some jokes but making himself look guilty.

Holy fucking shit. I can't believe this motherfucker is riding Shitloaf's ass like that. Motherfuckers steal dude and shit happens. The shit Sam is saying about what happened to camera can be argued the same back to him but because he's the "boss". On top of that, it sounds like he is going to make him pay for it. What if it shows back up? Fuck him and the goddamn camera. BE MORE FUNNY

Shitloaf is not legally responsible for Sam's personal camera, so if I was him I would not give Sam 1 cent.

Context please because not everyone here listens to the new shit show.

Why do you care what happened if the show is shit?

Because I’m reading a thread about the show you fuck.

So you spend your time reading about shows that you think are shit? Seems like a great life.

that show fucking sucks... But please tell me all about it cause I can't stand not knowing!

That's how stupid you sound

are you embarrassed that you like the show when others are alpha enough to not even listen

It's alpha to beg for details of a show that you claim not to like? If I don't like a show I just don't pay attention to it, I don't read about it and then ask for more details, obviously the guy is interested in the show. So many people here are scared ashamed little bitches who pretend to act like they don't like the show or anyone involved cause they wanna seem cool for the rest of the fucking idiots here, it's pretty sad. It's pathetic to spend your day obsessing over a show you claim to dislike.

It won't stop until we are all dead

Are you new to this sub? This whole place keeps tabs on a man that nobody on earth can possibly like so we can talk about him here. You seem like a stupid faggot.

Keeping up with Opie on the OPIEandanthony sub is fine, but reading about shows you claim not to like is different. I don't like Covino and Rich so I ignore them, I don't listen to their show, I don't look up stuff about them, I don't read about them and I definitely don't go around asking people to tell me about their show, why in the world would I, if I honestly didn't care about them... which lead to the point, all these it's ridiculous that all these idiots pretend not to like shows that they clearly care about and are interested it. The guys calling the show shitty while asking people to explain it and give him a detailed breakdown of it, that's pathetic. Either listen to the show or dont, but all the losers pretending not to like it look more pathetic because it's so obvious that they truly do care.

Tldr you're gay.

Really? Was I begging you for details about his life?...

Write some more paragraphs.

Maybe I will, titty boy

I'm looking forward to more of your inane ramblings.

I'm sure you do, not much else going on in your life

Lol, that's a classic!

you both lost

Well, you're a faggot, so I don't hold your opinion in high regard.

Stfu bitch, you lost



You have a shitty sense of humor if that makes you laugh out loud

Sam had his personal Camera in-studio on Friday. Jim and Sam staff are responsible for clearing the studio after the show. A member of the staff put Sam's camera in the office their show uses. The camera was then stolen. Sam heavily implied Anthony stole the camera to cover his gambling debts.

I may have some details wrong here, its hard to give full attention to this show.

Sam is such a little pussy that even the new faggot on the job doesn't respect him and steals his shit. Embarrassing, he should have kept it off air and reported him if he even has evidence.

I was seething while listening to this. This is all on Sam for bringing in his own personal shit like that and allowing others to take care of it. He was asking for this to happen. There were a lot of greggshells being walked on in the studio this morning.

What happened exactly?

what do you expect from Opie Jr.

Wouldn't it be amazing if after Opie and Anthony got fired for camera related incidents somehow Sam got canned for losing his and taking it out on interns?

They wanted that visual element so bad, it cost them their gig brothaman.

Fucking Sam is awful.

It's your own fault for marrying him, Jess.

Jesus getting bullied by Sam must be humiliating.

Sam is the little faggot that talked shit as a kid and ran and stood by the teacher all recess.

I want to beat up Sam by the bike rack near the gym entrance.

And then fuck his mouth and ass

That's implied.

Is it?

Yes, I've defended many of these types of cases and when I cite People v. Cumia ... bingo ... implied consent. "If she has a dick, you must acquit."

how else do you demonstrate dominance?


Randall from the cartoon Recess

Does that make Oqie Miss Finster?

With those saggy tits and horrifying teeth?

You bet

I didn't hear the show but I really, really want to just land a bunch of solid punches to this guy's face and gut. He really fucking needs it too, it would fix a lot of shit that's wrong with him.

Only if you scream it all out at him while he's fading into unconsciousness, before the final boot to the skull.

sounds gay

He's the type of kid who, when you were all talking with friends about something you shared interest in, he would come over and interject about how the worst part of whatever you were talking about is "the coolest"

That little bitch only punches down in a professional manner, picking on peons that can't do much to fight back. Get him with literally any guest and he is a softy. The whole "troyquan can't google well" schtick was funny at first, now it's overblown and boring.

The troyquan can't Google bit is so stupid because Sam was literally criticized by Opie and Anthony for not being good at using Google and he kept going on and on about how googling isn't a useful skill and it's not part of his job and it doesn't matter. But now that it's not him, he has to drag it on and on while acting like he didn't have the same problem. Troy needs to bring up the audio next time of him talking about how it doesn't matter and isn't useful

Ya it's the old frat boy mentality, "Oh I'm not into sticking carrots up a guys ass, but it was done to me, so now is my time for revenge." Then again, if Sam couldn't mindlessly copy what Opie did for years he'd just have to sit in his chair and wait for a wrestling anecdote to be relevant.

That was Sam’s personal camera? WTF.. Why isn’t Sam taking responsibility for his own shit?

Also - Sam must’ve been bullied A LOT as a kid. That’s why since he has a position of power he bullies others as they cannot fight back. See it a lot. The biggest bullying supervisors at work are the ones that were obviously bullied as a kid.

have you seen his ankle trick, where he can flip pennies off of it really high? i don't think sam was bullied at all when younger.

the fact that he still talks about that pointless, worthless thing that nobody should ever even know they can do, is so pathetic. Wow, he was on Nickelodeon! A channel that ugly kids were constantly put on TV for wacky, nutty, "random" pointless reasons.

Quarters. Please, we have to give credit where credit is due.

wtf are y'all talking about? context needed

Cave Opie sucks a huge dick.

he's too fuckin ugly to pull off that sarcasm-snark shit anymore... he just somes off like a douchey fag

It's not just his looks, it's the fact he has no control over his own life and he himself is embarrassing in every choice he makes, from dressing himself, to how he chooses to spend his free time, to the type of stuff he chooses to concern himself with, to the little quirks of his own that don't match up to this supposed "high standard" he's trying to set by shitting on anyone else.

Nigga can't even wear a jacket unless it features Stone Cold Steve Austin on it, and he's trying to poke fun at anyone else in the world? Fuck off.

Sub human bullies that don't even have a face capable of taking a light punch.

I think people bullied by him can't even process the fact they are being bullied by this genetic aberration.

He's also not very good at it. There's a skill to bullying, I think people here know that.

His constantly getting on Troy over spelling is going to lead to Troy's dismissal after a sudden bout of violence.

He starts down that path and 2 minutes in Jim hasn't chimed in, no pile-on, that's not how bully works. It's a team sport.

Exactly, just like the little woman he is, Sam has no experience in life or succeeding in anything so instead of talking about what he knows about (nothing) he has to build a personality for himself on breaking down everything around him, like the behavior of others. The problem is that he's imperceptive, and he also thinks that because it's a comedy show that he should poke fun at people if they mess up and somehow that creates comedy magic and comedy gold.

A person with no self awareness and no handle on their own life, cannot poke fun at someone else for making a common mistake.

Also, this doesn't stop him from still trying to shoehorn his own little awful obscure hobbies that don't ever relate to what he's trying to relate it to.

Who's "he", Opie or Sam? I've heard this synopsis before

He's not really a bully I think, he's a vulture. He quasi-nonchalantly mentions some trouble somebody got in to stoke the hate fire. He's an instigator. He's a piece of shit.

Physically imposing and aggressive guys like Sam get used to imposing their will at a young age on the school yard.

It's hard for them to change as they get older.

Sam. Physically imposing.

The thing that made me turn on Sam was when they had Denny in studio and Denny killed it with that Opie fired line. Sam then spent the next fifteen minutes harping on anything Denny said in a way that was unfunny and made him sound like a jealous faggot.

He's a cunt

Sam "Klingon Ridge Head Ass Nigga" just being is the absolute fucking worst.

Reading this thread makes me so happy that I don’t even bother listening to the show

I am glad this subreddit takes a strong anti-bullying stance. #stopbullying

He's a bully in the same way Kathy Lee Gifford is a singer.

Fucking Sam IS awful, just ask Jess.

I will be happy whenever someone he continues to bully finally knocks him on his ass.

Imagine that, the first time one of these shock jocks ever gets physically assaulted for trying to be smart, and it ends up being the one that just mimics those before him poorly.

Big strong bully that can't change a car tire. Fuckin nerd.

With those 2 dunces in charge of the equipment, it's shocking that both cameras weren't stolen ages ago. I've never heard such idiocy. Nico implicated himself over and over with vague/changing answers and shitloaf's fake depression act and gambling addiction make him a prime suspect. If sam is smart (he isnt) he takes his gear home before it vanishes next.

I hope they steal more of his shit, fuck Sam

He looks like a strung out turkish stripper with 4 kids

You sound like a loser who whines a lot. Shut the fuck up fag.

Come on. Fucking Sam is not awful - fucking Ant is.

I am so stoked when Sam hate threads pop up because it's just so nice to trash this bottom shelf retard. I don't even listen to him and I despise him.

Haha he literally said "let's use logic". What a cuntface

Is this the same guy that fucked up the video from Anthony's second or third appearance?

Just fire him already. His mother can't cook and he likes to gamble, really? Great entertainment value. Their producers are all a bunch of duds, where's intern David when you need him? Or the Nagel kid, doesn't he need a job?

Sam invented Tequila and donut day.

He doesn't realize that he's still a fucking dweeb. He's just put in the position of authority (which he abuses as most dorks would) and these shit-heels have to give him some modicum of respect because he's the boss. A true boss wouldn't need to make an hour and a half segment from a 5 minute segment because a real boss would have some prepared material.

He's the kid who, when you went over to his house to play Sega, just played single player games while you watched.

I kept jumping ahead 15, 25, 30 minutes in the timeline at a clip, I couldn’t believe they were still talking about that fucking camera. What absolute time wasting boring filler. It was like 90 minutes of show.

Are you homos really clutching your pearls about bullying of the staff on this show? This is another low point for this sub and the world.

Sam would last 5 minutes in an auto shop or small contractor's business, someplace without an HR dept for him to run to when someone put him in his place.

it only takes a slight hint of self-awareness to not be so hateable, people were optimistic Sam had that somewhere.

It's funny how being beat as a kid fucks you up relatively bad, but NEVER getting a single punch thrown your way throughout your entire life turns you into Sam.

I'm not the type to think that fist fights solve stupid little work arguments, mostly people who use their hands and not their words are just baby bitches. But Sam isn't capable of using his own words, and he's unphased by words to him (like "learn how to google, faggot" or "stop pulling your afro into a ponytail because you'll go bald.") He doesn't listen, so he needs to be shown. With flurries of punches.

I fuck his ass make him humble