Reminder: Jess has to wake up looking this in the face every morning.

20  2017-10-23 by [deleted]



That poor girl.

That face wakes up and fucks off before she wakes up.

It’s actually worse for her now. He had a semi-normal hairline back when this picture was taken.

I mean he actually looks sickly.

A cro-magnon Bob Ross with aids.

She chose this for herself. I don't feel sorry for her at all.

well she is no looker herself. she was a fattie with a flat ass. she always had a belly years before getting pregnant

He’s a lot worse now. It really is his shitty diet.

He looks like he's watching his bigger, stronger, non-retarded brother discover fire.

When I think about that day 35 years ago when his shitfuck idiot mother tried to make him eat real food for the first time, and Sam grimaced and shook his head, and that lazy cunt retard mother of his just said "Welp, it's impossible, I give up."

Lazy idiot cuuuuunt

All he needs to do is cut his hair and grow a mustache

Why does it look like his right arm's been amputated?

God I hate everything about this cunt.