Reminder that Amy Schumer dropped out of the lead role in a huge hollywood family blockbuster due to "scheduling issues"...

94  2017-10-23 by xavier_stock

...and has so far appeared as a guest on family feud and was seen in the background of a judge judy episode.


So brave

Her self esteem is obliterated.

Babe 4, The Oinkening

That'll do, pig.

She was having a hard time securing a cargo plane for the demanding shooting schedule.

Operation Amy Drop is right on schedule, however.

“Thank you for your service” is her next movie. They released the trailer & she is no where to be seen. She’s 4th billed on IMDb but they don’t even show a second of her face. They know better than to advertise her

She plays "Roasting Pig #1"

Do you think maybe her brand has taken a bit of a hit?

jesus christ, I don't know if this movie actually looks terrible or if it's just because of the soundtrack they put to the trailer. Amy Schumer is a fat pig.

And her daytime court show appearance wasn't nearly as stellar or iconic as expressive black guy's.

What the fuck was that even about? Like, what was the point?

It was low-effort publicity/attention seeking. She was trying to do what someone like Bill Murray, James Franco, Ellen DeGeneres, Kevin Durant, or whoever the fuck, do by appearing at some random event or show and becoming a viral sensation for half a day on social media. See also any instance of a celebrity leaving a large tip at a restaurant.

Holy shit did it not work then, I legit thought OP was making a joke, I never heard a thing about this until now.

Same. Even on this, the official Amy Schumer News sub.

I thought she legit had jury duty or something.

Don't forget the sweetest gig in showbiz, Old Navy commercials.

Her meal schedule doesn't allow it.

And wasn't she in a series of commercials with Seth Rogen for Bud Light or something right before sales tanked? I don't think her career is going well. This just makes her more fierce and brave, guys!!!!

Trump supporters and the right have somehow overthrown Hollywood and ruined her career.

Certainly can't be a lack of apparent talent or likability. Just can't be. Brave and fierce! Brave and fierce! Unlike all of those pretty, in shape, thin, intelligent and appealing conservative girls who clearly rule Hollywood without any fierceness or bravery. I don't know how they do it. LOL!!!!! Am I right, guys? But seriously though, she's fat.

You fawkin alt-right trolls are ruining her career


Made by Fattel... I dunno just riffin.

I'd love to say that her fall from grace is because of this sub, but I really think she did herself in with that last special.

She was bound to crash and burn sooner or later. People quickly realized that she doesn't have much to offer besides "my pussy!" jokes. She isn't good enough to transition to acting. And the whole joke stealing thing rubbed a lot of people the wrong way.

If she wasn't so egotistical she probably could have saved it by being a bit more humble or honest. Instead, she basically said "This is somehow everyone else's fault but mine." She basically made all the wrong moves when the spotlight was centered on her and wore out her welcome.

Are we talking about Schumer or Hillary Clinton here? Just kidding, they're both the same: sides of beef whose pussies stink like a barnyard.

Well, South Park directly called her out a few times. This sub is really idiotic when it tries patting itself on its retarded back

She was already on her way down prior to that, which I think is why the media gave up on her. They could have said the reaction was because of a new misogynist campaign but even Feminist sites just let it fade into obscurity. That "Snatched" movie was the final nail in the coffin and I get the sense she's just running out whatever existing contracts and deals she may have in place.

Snatched blessed us twice - it killed Amy's movie career, and it retired Goldie Hawn permanently.

but I really think she did herself in with that last special.

No her special, which was garbage, suffered from the aftermath of her burning her career. What did her in was the fact that she stole bits and was being too preachy with her political garbage. She built her base on attracting people who like comedy and comedians and as she gained more exposure and weight, she decided to tell her base to fuck off which caused her career to collapse.

It's kinda like that Katherine Higel bitch who built her career with Grey's Anatomy and found stardom through Knocked up only to tell both creators of those properties to fuck off and she just does ads on tv.

I think she simply bit off more than she could chew. In the span of eighteen months, she had something like two movies, two comedy specials, a TV show, and tour dates.

When I saw her in 2012 in Bellevue WA, she played to a sold out crowd of about 500 people and she put on a legitimately good show. When I saw her three years later, the venue was 4X as big and it was 80% full. Half of the crowd was comped by the casino. 90% of the show was the same material she'd done years earlier. Except this time she was too drunk to deliver it well, and it seemed like she was ready to nod off at any moment.

If she'd stuck to the same schtick she'd been doing for years, I think she could have continued to tour indefinitely, to fairly large crowds. This is simple supply and demand; women like to laugh, and there are only a handful of genuinely funny female comedians.

Jim Norton is a fairly decent comedian who works a lot and lives in an apartment in Trump Tower.

Kathy Griffin is a hack comedian who works ten days a year and lives next door to Kim Kardashian. (Seriously.)

I think she simply bit off more than she could chew.


If this Harvey Weinstein story has taught us anything, it's that it's tough to get big roles when you can't fit on the casting couch

Maybe she's playing a new character. Rich Jew who will never suffer because of nepotism

Did you see her on Kimmel? Fucking belt was so tight I was scared just watching.

It's all part of being brave, dangerous and powerful.

Jews dropped fatty like any hot knish

if everybody who we dont like would be thrown out of hollywood, there would be nobody left.

we dont make shit of a difference man all of tv and movies is gay and corny

I think the best thing she can do is disappear for a while and let everyone forget how overexposed she got, and pushed well past her talent level way before she was ready. Build that shit back up slowly.

I called that shit when it was happening. She turned down a tentpole film for a franchise with Sony pictures, to do media for a movie that tanked horribly? Yeah, no, Ms. Piggy. (30% Rotten Tomatoes) The Carell movie she signed up for seems stalled in the water, it's still in pre-production, and the only thing she's doing is a movie thats a straight rip off of Shallow Hal. She can't act. She's poison to anything she touches. Her comedy special was so bad, Netflix had to change their rating system. It's fucking awesome.

Her Broadway debut is coming up. When the reviews trash her performance she'll quit and do it again.

I really wish Schumer Barbie would've happened. The constant production updates and probable bombing would've been great to monitor. Breaking the Internet is an overused term but it really would've applied to the drop of the first trailer. Most hilarious of all would've been the knee-jerk sjw reaction to defend the film just because an ugly girl was portraying a beauty icon.