Nothing out of the ordinary

1  2017-10-23 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Totally out of context

Cum by any means without any contact to your cock. Some cam cum from just playing with nipples, some can think about cumming and just start shooting cum.

Vegan first, crossfit second, Mormon last


I want to die as a Mormon so at my funeral my friends and family feel good knowing they are burying one

FYI Mormons have a practice called conversion by proxy. This means that, in the case of your death, family members can go to the church and have a person stand in for you and convert you to Mormon. Then your soul transfers to heaven. It is mostly practiced by fundamentalist Latter Day Saints. For some reason they have a major hard on for holocaust Jews (Anne Frank in particular). She has been converted many times, which leads the Jews to get all pissed off and then the non fundamentalist Mormons need to perform another ceremony undoing it.

i seen that years ago and they are still after jews they also christen serial killers.the genealogy industry in the states was founded and ran mostly by mormons their info used on all the big sites which i have found least accurate