Black people have taste

33  2017-10-23 by Single_Action_Army


Blade Runner 2049 was too smart for normie and too dumb for intellectuals. Maybe the 100+ crowd in Japan and S.Korea will save it?

Too crazy for Boy’s Town. Too much of a boy for Crazy Town.

I think we saw Hugo at the airport! He was boarding a plane to Switzerland...

Also too long

Ryan Gosling is my favorite autistic actor.

He can pull off that retarded scorpion jacket that would never have worked for anyone else, so that makes sense.

His lopsided eyes made me sure he wasn't a replicant

I have a mounted Drive poster in my house so the ladies will know I'm cool.

says normies

Spike Lee was right about Tyler Perry: coonery buffoonery.

Spike Lee is one of the good ones.

Coonery baboonery

Kuhnery tomfoolery.

Also called Speaker Theft/Toddler Manslaughter

But Spike's point was that minstreling appeals to white people to fit into his master-slave-modern plantation-whatever the fuck narrative. Reality has proven that black audiences love garbage.

Good point. Blacks are always complaining about how they're negatively portrayed in media entertainment, yet they're the ones who eat up all that stereotypical horseshit (i.e. 95% of black comics)

How many y'all like sex?

I be wildin out I huhhhh yeah boyyyyyh

My man laughing cause he know

Precious was one of the most stereotypical films ever but it was adored by black audiences.

A grandma is his problem lol

they eat mostly pan pizza from pizza hut - cheese only

Madea's Jigga--Boo

Bad Moon-Cricket Rising.

You almost got me there, Edgar.

Is there any relationship between Tyler Perry and Lincoln Perry (Stephin Fetchit)?

Blade Runner 2049 was amazing, I recommend it

Madea is the black equivalent of WWE wrestling

I'm sure Whitey is definitely helping those numbers

If whites saw Blade Runner, we wouldn't have this problem.

Some of us saw it. I'm sure it'll go down as a great movie and make lots of money after theaters.

How many y'all like sex?

Precious was one of the most stereotypical films ever but it was adored by black audiences.