Gabby sucked on the Podacast!

77  2017-10-23 by suchanjv

Fuckin' Boring. Just sat there and giggled the entire time while looking awkwardly back to her boyfriend behind her.

Never again Chippah!


For small dick

Bring back Palombo

on top of that, she's a race mixing Jew who pretends to be a white Christian girl in her standup material. the Poles should have turned her great grandparents in to the Germans when they had the chance.

Fuck I hate that little trick. 'Hello my fellow Christians/White people' First of all because in terms of ancestry she's as 'Jewish' as I fucking am. BTW I couldn't find her comedy. Do you have a link?

there are some links of her "comedy" in that podacast thread, but I do not recommend.

Funny how her ancestors avoided getting turned into ash during the "holocaust."

Yea, fuck this kike nigger loving whore. And she isn't funny either.

Wait, she's a comedian?

Any evidence of her 'stand up' anywhere?

How does she pretend to be white and Christian. Genuinely interested--does she go "Hey, so I was at church the other day..."

Bloody Poles.

She sucked and the podacast was lacking without Ant

Things are gonna happen when you're in the crew

"I need my guyssss.

Tranth only went to impress his young date who stole from him. It's not like he enjoys sports.

The 'Fleshlight' and dunce cap was better. Bob barely spoke, too. Ole chippy was totally on his own this time.

Bobby didn't seem comfortable. there weren't 150 people on the podcast.

Yes I tried to listen to YKWD back in the day, couldn't believe what a cluster fuck it was.

Jim is hurting for guest lately. Burning too many bridges. Having a blond child as the "Producer" makes it more appealing for Count Cumia to lurk, sorry Guest. Hair flicky girl always shows up when the Count is on as well. Sam won't do another one unless the Iron Shiek is invited, and Colin Quinn does them only out of pity.

granted, this is more about chemistry and flow of the show, but i find this lady lovely and would like to feast on her excrements.

Slits always suck on the radio.

Where was Bobo?

She’s just one part of that episode. Bob & jim didn’t say anything funny at all either. Bob literally just looked left and right the whole time slightly chucking.

"Half Cyborg, All Woman"

Kind of looks like Iggy Azalea without the huge ass.

I wonder if she's got a big cootah like Lauren

bring sue

everything aside but how hard is it to find three current topical retarded funny stories that they make something funny of.

she couldnt even do that.

I like her voice / laugh but her jokes were terrible and her 'news stories' were about Mark Rufalo's fake band names and a Jimmy Buffet musical?

That's all Lauren had going for her aswell. Aside from her cute voice/laugh, she was a non-contributer.

She played along better, and her "oh no, Chip"s and the occasional "ugh" were funny.

The first time she did it

You need to use more words. Does "The first time she did it" mean that Lauren was only good the first time, or that Gabby deserves a break because it was her first time?

She's a 23 year old retard who hears the word news and associates it with Buzzfeed lists.

She's only 23?

It has to be pretty rare to find a reasonably attractive woman who can riff with chip and not be completely annoying in the process. The girl last week fit that bill so why not just stick with her?

This new one was fucking terrible.

I'm only 1:10 in and I don't think I can get through this one. It's staggering how awful this bitch is. Just giving Jimmy nothing at all to work with.

It was clear right from the beginning that the energy was off. You didn't miss anything entertaining if you bailed out at 1:10.

yeah... this one was hard to get through. felt like a chore.

"Hey it's me Gabby...welcome to da paahdcast"

He sets the bar high with Cristina then brings in this vapid hole.

Great job, Nortum.

Came here to say the same thing

Absolute shit. Turning this off 19 mins in

We all know the right answer is Terry Clifford, but somehow baby boy Norton and the podacast wizards refuse to see the light.

sHe WAs rEaLlY fuNnY

If you are reading this Norton, stop trying to find a producer and stick with Christina.

looking awkwardly back to her boyfriend behind her.

Why do Whores do this always?

This podcast is complete dogshit. Zero laughs. We get it, you shout puns in a gay voice.

Redbars podcast is worse. It is also complete dogshit. Zero laughs.

We get it, your a failed white rapper wigger in his 40s who likes kanye West, collects yeezys and buys preripped jeans.

Chip podacast is dead. Lauren was the lynchpin. Rip Dave Smith.

She really was one plain faced, tediously bland disaster.

I'm 20 minutes in and Gabby really isn't that bad. She actually contributes to the show, her face is much more appealing to look at, and her laugh is kinda cute.

I thought she was perfect. She seemed to actually laugh at Chippah. As time goes one, she'll develop into a stronger personality for this show than Christina. I love Christina but don't think she fits here.

Gabby sucked? I wish! Shes 10 years under me, I wish she was under me.


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She played along better, and her "oh no, Chip"s and the occasional "ugh" were funny.