Axing for a friend {{small penus problem}}

0  2017-10-23 by onamodsarefaggots

My friend has a small penus and he can't really make girls with it? What should he try? I heard a lot of people say he could maybe eat bananas and if should help grow it?

Any advise on small penus problem would be great (for a friend)

Thanks Dcotors


I herd bananas make it grow bigger thanks

He ates them often but could ate more thanks

I'm sad

I'm sad

Here's a picture/gif of a cat, hopefully it'll cheer you up :).

I am a bot. use !unsubscribetosadcat for me to ignore you.

It didn't work either

Try laughter, it's the best medicine.

The fact people are laughing (at it), might be part of the problem.

send me pic i can help

Take ciallis all the time, even when you don't need it, this way it'll retain more of a nice stretched hang at it's resting state. Also, stop smoking (if you do), & take ginkgo bilobo for bloodflow.

If you hang a paint can off of your little pud with some fishing line make sure you post the pics here

I'm a vury big man, trust me. I'm ask only for friend.