Somebody has to say it........

0  2017-10-23 by fuckpigfuck

Bob Kelly Fuckin' Stunk on the last Chip Podacast.Either I mistakenly thought he was once funny,or he deliberately is trying to sabotage the podacast and is legit jealous.

  He gave Chip nothing and said nothing funny.Maybe its a lot less obvious when Anthony is there.

 But since this sub loves Blobby so much I knew no one here,would admit it.

                                    My 2 cents

Keep the change you filthy animal.

Bobby's "OMG THIS IS SO RETARDED" shtick has gotten old

it's the chip fucking chipperson podacast, and it's the most popular show on the network, get into it or fuck off bobby

I'm just Chippin' ya, piece of gabage.

Bobby is okay as a supporting character and punching bag. He's fine, but I don't know why this place loves him so much.

Take your horizontal scrollbar and shove it up your ass.

Dude ya phone crapped out

would any of you actually watch bob kelly do standup comedy?

YUCK sounds worse then Jim's standup

Eww dont make a post title like youre some brave soul for having a sort of fringe opinion