Girl Im seeing used the phrase "not okay".

7  2017-10-23 by xavier_stock

She also mentioned tumblr in a convo once.

Shes really hot but should I stop seeing her and just keep fucking prostitues? I have a feeling im gonna end up as a "#metoo" example.


Rape her

A Big Aaaaaa


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What was the context? - I mean obviously it's gay as fuck regardless, but I'd still like to know what she was talking about.

He was discussing Jim Norton's sex habits.

I was talking about some chick who kept hitting on me even though I told her to stop (didnt tell her the reason was coz she was a fat ugly bitch). So yeah she used the term in relation to sexual assault.

You've gotta fuck her one last time, be a giant pig and make her really mean those terms after you dump her.

Really hot in what way? sandy kane,stalker patty or lena dunham

Could be fine.

"How's your asshole feel now?"

"Not okay. Like the inside of a rock tumbler."

That's fine.

Why the fuck would you "stop seeing" a woman because she acts like a woman? Are you really the type of guy who needs a girl to agree on everything before you can use her body and pussy? You sound like a little girl who fantasizes about her wedding day. No woman, especially those physical attractive, will ever live up to your already low standards for how a woman should behave (like an adult.) They can't be trusted to do it, so stop trusting her to do it and take her for what she is.

Accept that you are smarter than her, nod knowingly, and shut the fuck up. Be glad and feel secure in yourself, that you have the power and standing in life to fuck a hot chick despite you supposedly being everything she considers evil and wrong. Take that as a tipoff of how smart she is. She thinks she has it all figured out, but she allows a man like you (who probably has no respect for any of her stupid ass opinions, and rightfully so) to fuck her. She is so simple and naive that she lets someone she should despise inside of her body.

Look at both of you. You know who the dummy is. Let her have her little fake world. If she starts up with her baby-talking matriarchal opinions, just let her be stupid and take solace in the fact that you're observant enough to know she's full of shit. Let her be a woman, and you act like the adult you are. You lose nothing, and she'll convince herself she's fulfilled.


I used to listen to Patrice and think he was an asshole. Now, I've just been burned too many times, chasing too many girls I put on a pedestal. He was flawed in some ways, but I listen to those shows now and it's incredible when you finally put 2 and 2 together. When we're impressionable youths they teach us men and women are equal and should be treated exactly the same, like you're a robot. Treating women with respect or like you would a man, is the way you ensure they forget your stupid name and never consider you as being in the race, because you're unfit for competition.

You'll have your exception to the rule every few decades, a woman capable of expounding on her own thoughts will pop up. Here and there. But all in all, they really are the weaker sex, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being weak either. It's part of what makes them beautiful, and why they serve a purpose. It makes me appreciate women in a new way entirely, especially the ones who will be up front with you and tell you they need your help and that they aren't capable of having their own life - they need to set up shop in yours and you just be okay with it. When you think of them as unattainable perfect idols like a little school boy, you'll convince yourself that their pathetic impersonation and impression of you that they do to fit in, means that they're one of the "cool" girls.

There are no cool girls. They are all thieves and liars who just want and need to be protected and treated like your daughter. It sounds sick but they are so unintelligent and untested that you literally have to teach them things, basic things, obvious things, common sense, as if they are your own child. Maybe that's why so many women have "daddy" fetishes now? There's something hot about the fact that you know you're getting a girl to compromise her entire world view and all her political beliefs just because she wants your dick. They don't have a lot of things, let them have their little fantasy life where they mean something. Never mock fashion or her political opinions around her, and she'll let you choke her whenevr you want.

the first one was good, but 7 multi sentence paragraphs is stretching for it. I havent read that much since 6th grade with "Twelve Little Indians"

Sir, please let me anonymously trash women without any interjections. It's rude.

Wordy, a homosexual trait.

No, it's a girly one.

problem is that he worries about being accused of rape when he rapes her - not that he is planing his life with this bitch.

you missed his whole point you wordy cunt.

Only faggots are accused of rape.

I like taking the mickey outta the missus as much as the next bloke, but you actually hate women don't you? Your verbose, insecure tirade belongs in that incel place. You faggot.

You're white knighting women who don't exist.

Fuck her in the ass and then give her a Cleveland Steamer. After you've shit on her chest tell her it's just not working out. Tell her it's not you, it's her and you're moving on.

As an added bonus film the whole thing and watch it again later for a good laugh.


Covino and Rich say that too. Along with hundy, rando, and sando.

Red flag. One of these days you'll fuck her too hard and she'll call it rape.

Get out while you can.

ive hit girls before and will do it again

I hit one once and some faggot white knight punched me for it. Lesson is dont abuse women in public.

He was discussing Jim Norton's sex habits.

I was talking about some chick who kept hitting on me even though I told her to stop (didnt tell her the reason was coz she was a fat ugly bitch). So yeah she used the term in relation to sexual assault.

I hit one once and some faggot white knight punched me for it. Lesson is dont abuse women in public.