
121  2017-10-22 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


This is the summary for Part of the Problem on Gas's site. Makes my skin hurt.

More like ASS Digital. Fuckin got em


Not as much as those view counts hurt Dave.

Sounds like he has a real chip on his shoulder.

and in his girlfriend


Sounds like he has a real chin on his shoulder.

More chin than a Chinaman.

"...part of the new generation of pundits. He'll educate you and open your eyes...." now im angry

Who the fuck does this guy think he is, does he even have any qualification's to back the nonsense he "expounds"?

I'll educate him and open his mouth for the possibility of a fresh wad of my arcing goo.


I hate how libertarians think they've found out some sort of secret that the rest of us weren't aware of

"Duuuude there at like, laws that aren't even fully constitutional bro, can you fucking believe it?"

You can bet your ass anyone who is a self-proclaimed libertarian knows fuck-all about politics. Any rational adult knows that certain laws are important. Most people who actually have a base understanding of politics will say they lean left or right.


I said "leans", not "very strongly identifies". Libertarians identify with a party just as much as your average middle-ground righty or lefty.

Libertarian greentext

"Serial is funnier then part of the problem".

"I've seen microwaves kill harder" - Dan Soder

If only there was some way to sail away with people who thought like this.

Hopefully the market will speak and tell him he is a asshole


So is he even in the comedy business anymore? If not there's no reason to care about him.

Has he answered his doorbell or phone yet?

sounds awesomezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

He may be the most boring man alive.

Libertarians are the fucking worst

'I am going to vote for a candidate who clearly won't win"

Vomits the whole lot of them

Wait... what?? Is that real? That can't be real... no one is that big of a cunt.

Did you see the opening to his special that was posted? It 100% confirms it.

He really is a piece of shit. I can't stand him... I can't see my way clear to watching his special, or anything with him in it.


In my experience people who use arcane language are super intelligent and not at all insecure.

Apparently, my college courses in political and social philosophy, as well as economics and my own research isn't enough. I need the wisdom Dave fucking Smith to educate me.

I wanna mouth fuck that faggot.


dude like if weed was legal. think about it

get in the fucking oven, dave.

I had no idea he was a Libertarian!!!

What does he know about a free nation? He made his gf stop doing a pod(a)cast that featured an autistic man named Chip.

(((Tss tss)))

Enough about the libertarianism!

I hope a secret scroll gets discovered which stipulates by the founders of the movement that all practitioners must also fuck little boys. Dave would have no choice but to abandon it and his whole career shtick would be kaput.

What a swarmy cunt. Dave smith fucking sucks.

More like his ex pounds tha chippah

My mudder always said "If God takes away a man's legs, he don't deserve to feel good."

I feel like comedians go into politics when they run out of jokes

Are there no new ideas? Just look at the state of the entertainment industry it's all capeshit and rehashes of old movies. How many times can you hear the same drumpf joke and not get bored?

Did this asshole even go to college?